Wednesday, September 27, 2017

North Korea: Hawaii residents told to prepare for nuclear attack

Hawaii residents have been told to prepare for a nuclear attack in light of increasing tensions with North Korea.

State authorities have advised residents to prepare for an attack as they would if a tsunami or hurricane were about to hit the chain of islands.

Gene Ward, a State Representative, said that he did not want to be an “alarmist” but wanted people to be prepared.

But as a local paper reported, a closed door, secret meeting of state officials to look at possible effects of a nuclear attack may have scared the public more than preparing them.

Mr Ward said younger Hawaiians were likely worried because talk of fallout shelters and drills are not issues they grew up with; it’s “probably more surreal to younger generations,” he said.

However, the Washington Post reported that residents are not panicking.

Tsunami and hurricane preparation is nothing new for Hawaiians and instead of seven days of food, water, and emergency medical supplies on hand, they have been told to keep double that.

However, officials are not downplaying the seriousness of a potential nuclear attack.

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