Thursday, July 27, 2017

World Looks Breathlessly To Temple Mount As Portal For Messianic Change Swings Open

This week, for the first time since the Second Temple stood in all its glory, Jews were able to walk the Temple Mount freely as Muslim authority fell away from the site, allowing both Jews and Christians to heed the call to prayer on the Mountain of God and opening up the gates of redemption.

Jews inadvertently became the main presence on the Mount, something that has not happened since the destruction of the Second Temple 2,000 years ago, as a result of the misguided actions of Arab leadership following a horrifying terror attack at the Temple Mount last Friday.

The global prophetic implications of the major shift on this holiest of sites, emphasized MK Yehudah Glick, an advocate of universal prayer on the Temple Mount, cannot be denied. “This was an enormous gamechanger,” he told Breaking Israel News.

“Everything is part of the geula (redemption) process, but the things that happen on the Temple Mount are especially so. “If we want to bring world peace, we have to start there.”

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