Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Ron Paul: "I Would Not Be Shocked" If Stocks Crash 25% In 3 Months

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Precariously overstretched equity valuations and the purportedly “data dependent” Federal Reserve’s insistence on raising interest rates could bring about the next market correction as soon as October, former Congressman Ron Paul said during a recent appearance on CNBC's "Futures Now."

The stock market's fragility – exposed by a series of volatility events in recent months – suggests that the Fed should tread carefully. However, policy makers, it seems, are focused on bracing for the next crash, and have telegraphed to the market that they will continue to hike rates, even as they struggle for justification.

All of this suggests that stocks could be in for a hard landing as soon as this fall, Paul said.

Credit to Zero Hedge



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