Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Major Catholic Website Says Vatican Is Investigating Catholic Group After Their Discussions With Satan Helped Them Determine That Petrus Romanus “Is In League With The Devil”

The leader of a Brazilian traditionalist movement that was praised in the past two pontificates has resigned, and a video has subsequently emerged of the leader relaying bizarre claims by one of his priests regarding Pope Francis. Mgr João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, the founder and now ex-leader of the Heralds of the Gospel, can be seen in the video saying that the devil had told the Heralds priest that Francis was “my man”. 

Satan said Francis is “stupid” and does “everything I want”, Clá Dias says. But speaking to The Tablet, Fr Angel Veiga, a Rome-based leader of the order, said the video has been
“taken out of context”, and what was said in it does not equate to the position of the Heralds. They were simply relaying Satan’s message. 

“It’s the Devil, no? The Devil is the father of lies,” Fr Veiga explained, adding that the video showed “a private, intimate conversation between our founder [Clá Dias] and various priests.” The video, first reported by respected Vatican journalist Andrea Tornielli, shows around 60 priests listening to Mgr Clá Dias relaying what the priest said to him. The things had been said – the priest believed by the devil – when the priest was carrying out an exorcism.

 Credit to  Skywatchtv.com

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