Friday, June 9, 2017

Saudi Soccer Team Refuse To Observe Minute's Silence For London Terror Attack Victims

Saudi Arabia met Australia for a World Cup qualifier at the Adelaide Oval stadium in South Australia. The two teams were preparing for kick off when the announcement was made for a minute’s silence to take place.
Images from the match show a single player from the Saudi team, Salman al-Faraj, seemingly standing for the silence, with his hands behind his back.
At the end of the minute, Australian fans loudly booed the Saudi team as they ignored the show of respect from the other team.

Two young Australian women, Sara Zelenak and Kirsty Boden, were victims in the London attack that left eight people dead.
Fox Sports presenter Adam Peacock stated that the Asian Football Confederation pre-approved the minute’s silence but Saudi officials declined to participate.

Credit to Zero Hedge

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