Thursday, May 4, 2017

Brigitte Bardot has urged NOT to vote for Emmanuel Macron

Image result for Brigitte Bardot

The French film icon Brigitte Bardot has urged her fellow countrymen not to vote for Emmanuel Macron in France’s presidential election on Sunday, saying you can see his lack of compassion in “the coldness of his steel eyes”.

The animal rights campaigner tweeted to her followers that they should not vote Macron, fearing the situation for animals would deteriorate under his presidency.

“The contempt he gives to animal suffering can be seen in the total lack of empathy reflected in the coldness of his steel eyes.

“Whilst the scandals are increasing, he takes the side of the animal breeders and the hunters against animal rights associations that are fighting with the lobbies that seem to have power over this candidate.”

One of the best-known sex symbols of the 1950s and 1960s, Bardot came out as a supporter of populist candidate Marine Le Pen at the beginning of the year. In a wide-ranging interview with Le Figaro that touched upon cultural issues, Ms. Bardot was asked what she thought of contemporary culture.

“We live in a period when everything is vulgar, ordinary, and mediocre,” Bardot said. “France no longer has the radiance, the majesty it had.”

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