Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Islamic State (ISIS) terror handbook reveals jihadis being taught to eat their enemies (Graphic)

A handbook from the terrorist group’s training school has been found by a British counter-extremism think tank, Quilliam, revealing the horrifying new stance of the jihadis.

Daily Star  A secret handbook has been discovered by British-based think-tank Quilliam Foundation in ISIS training schools. Quilliam Foundation and its chief executive Haras Rafiq revealed cannibalism was on the curriculum.

Inside the pamphlet, pages show how ISIS scholars have developed a religious argument justifying cannibalism – if supplies are low during jihad or religious war. Quilliam chief executive Haras Rafiq said: “We have found the curriculum that Islamic State use to indoctrinate fighters and the indigenous population in areas under their control.

“They are trying to use a theological based argument to say that cannibalism can be carried out when there is no food during a time of jihad. “They say that if there are no supplies, it is OK to kill another non-Muslim or a Muslim who doesn’t follow their version of Islam.” 

They even give advice on the parts to eat and how to prepare the flesh. “These views on cannibalism are not mainstream but they are gaining traction.

“It’s new to see them advocate cannibalism. They are using Salafism – a fundamentalist theology and political Islamism to justify their views.” It comes as a bungling ISIS bomb expert –  – blew himself up and four other jihadis by mistake.

A desperate mother has reportedly been fed the mutilated remains of her own son after ISIS told her it was cooked meat and rice. The horrifying incident happened after the mother visited ISIS’ HQ in Mosul, Iraq.

Below is a photo of Palestinians eating the body parts of dead Israeli soldiers:

Credit to Bare Naked Islam

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