Tuesday, August 16, 2016

China launches world’s 1st quantum communications satellite

Image result for China launches world’s 1st quantum communications satellite

Nicknamed 'Micius', in honor of the 5th century BC Chinese philosopher and scientist, QUESS will be positioned at sun-synchronous orbit, some 600km (373 miles) above the Earth at an angle of 97.79 degrees, allowing it circle our planet once every 90 minutes.

“The newly-launched satellite marks a transition in China’s role – from a follower in classic information technology (IT) development to one of the leaders guiding future IT achievements,” said Pan Jianwei, chief scientist of QUESS project with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), as quoted by Xinhua.

The satellite has been tasked with testing out a potentially uncrackable communications system. QUESS will explore quantum teleportation by sending out keys from space to ground command using the principle of 'quantum entanglement', an act of fusing two or more particles into complementary 'quantum states'.

In practice, China hopes to send out photons from the satellite to two ground stations separated by about 1,200km (746 miles), which together form one entangled system. Operated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the satellite contains a quantum key communicator, a processing unit, a laser communicator, quantum entanglement emitter, and entanglement source to transmit quantum keys to Earth.
Image result for China launches world’s 1st quantum communications satellite

Quantum communication encryption is a unique method of encoding the content of a message as quantum keys are theoretically impossible to crack with the system detecting any intrusion attempts. For instance, when two people share an encrypted quantum message, if a third person intercepts it, it will change in an unpredictable way.

China hopes that the experimental quantum encryption programs will be instrumental in addressing information security concerns when the government, military and financial networks are becoming prime targets for espionage.

QUESS is one of the National Space Science Center's 'Strategic Priority Programs'. If QUESS is successful, China hopes to erect an Asian-European quantum key distribution network by 2020, and a global quantum communications network in 2030.

Credit to RT


LGBTQQIAA Students In Atlanta To Get Their Own Private School

In Atlanta, LGBTQQIAA students are getting their own little "safe space" in a new school called Pride School Atlanta.  As noted by the Daily Caller, the school is run by Executive Director, Christian Zsilavetz who used to be a  "heterosexual cisgender woman" but is now a "queer-identified transman" with a wife and 2 kids, 1 of which is "gender fluid."  A lot of parents have historically tended to rely on educational resumes in selecting teachers for their children but we guess this is useful information as well.  Per Christian's bio on the school's website:
Pride School

He is a formerly heterosexual cisgender woman who is now a queer-identified transman (male pronouns, FTM) with a wife and 2 wee ones, one of whom is gender fluid. A GLSEN-Certified Education Trainer, he has been providing cultural competency and personal growth workshops and panels for/by/with educators, corporations, community organizations, youth and families since he came out as queer in 1998. He is passionate about creating spaces where everyone is welcome, everyone can work, and everyone can learn, regardless of gender identity, gender expression or affectional preference.
For those of you, like us, who aren't up on all the latest acronyms, the school's website defines LGBTQQIAA as “Lesbian, Gay, Bi-attracted, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally." Not to be exclusive, the school's discrimination policy makes clear that it's open to everyone:
PRIDE SCHOOL ATLANTA admits students of any race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, affectional preference, sexual orientation, marital or relationship status, gender identity or gender expression to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.
That said, we did note that economically-challenged students are not specifically called out above and with an annual tuition $13,500 per student we assume this is a message that poor people should probably inquire elsewhere.   

Credit to Zero Hedge

Seven Things You Must Have to Survive the First 3 Days After An Economic Collapse

Expert Bob Griswold talked about the seven things you must do to survive the first three days following an economic collapse. Can you name the seven things? Are you prepared. 

Credit to Common Sense Show

USA: You Will Go Insane Because Of What Your Eyes Will See

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A cloud of madness is descending on America, and most of us are completely unprepared for the chaos that will be unleashed during the months ahead.  This morning, I was reading through Deuteronomy when I came to a phrase that really resonated with me.  In the Modern English Version, this is what Deuteronomy 28:34 says: “You will go insane because of what your eyes will see”.  As I read that, it struck me that this is precisely what America is heading for.  There are going to be people that have vast quantities of food and supplies stored up that are still going to blow their brains out when they see what happens to this country because they don’t have any hope.  Without hope, I don’t know how anyone is going to make it through what is coming.  If you think that the unrest and violence in Milwaukee are disturbing, just wait for a while, because much, much worse is on the way.
On Monday, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker declared a state of emergency in Milwaukee, and the National Guard was brought in but not deployed after another night of chaos made headlines all over the globe.  According to Fox News, 11 police officers have been injured by the violence so far…
Chunks of concrete and rocks hurled at police — and shards of glass from shattered squad car windows — injured seven officers, upping the two-day tally to 11 wounded cops, Police Chief Edward Flynn said on Monday.
Additionally, an 18-year-old man was shot and seriously injured, and officers had to use an armored vehicle to retrieve the man and take him to a hospital. Flynn said the city’s ShotSpotter system recorded 30 instances of gunfire on Sunday night, after 48 instances were recorded on Saturday.
It has also been reported that another police vehicle was set on fire late Monday night.  Authorities are desperate to avoid a third night in a row like this, and so a strict curfew has been put in place
After 10 o’clock your teenagers better be home or in a place where they’re off the streets,” Mayor Tom Barrett said.
Barrett made the announcement as tensions remained high in the Sherman Park neighborhood and police were out in force while the National Guard was on standby and ready to move in if necessary.
And that is one of the saddest things about this latest round of violence.  So much of it is being done by youngsters that are just kids.  Their minds have been poisoned, their emotions have been stirred up, and they are committing random acts of violence that would have been unthinkable for American teens to commit just a couple generations ago.
Racial tensions are constantly being fueled by many of our politicians and by the big mainstream news networks.  As a result, instead of coming together as a country and learning to love people no matter where they are from or what they look like, we have entered a time when people are literally becoming fearful of being around others that don’t have the same skin color that they do.  Just check out this quote from CNN
People are afraid of each other,” resident Reginald Jackson said last year. “Black people are afraid of the white parts of town. White people are afraid of the black and Latino parts of town.”
Just two days ago, I delivered an address down at Morningside that was all about love.  As a society, we have got to learn to love one another or we are simply not going to make it.
Since I am the publisher of several major websites, I get to review comments that people leave on the various articles.  Many of those comments never get published on my websites, and in a lot of those instances this is because they contain some of the most hateful racist language imaginable.
Every single person, no matter who they are, where they are from or what they look like, is of immense value.  When we decide to believe otherwise, we are making an absolutely tragic mistake.
It isn’t just in Milwaukee that violence is rising.  Over in Chicago, we just witnessed the deadliest day in more than a decade.  As I recently detailed on The Most Important News, there are at least 150,000 gang members living in Chicago today, and only about 13,000 law enforcement officers of all types to deal with them.  That means that the police are outnumbered by a more than 10 to 1 margin, and at this point shootings are up about 50 percent compared to the same time last year…
Last week the Chicago Tribune pointed out that nearly 100 people had been shot in Chicago in less than a week.  9 people were killed on Monday alone marking the deadliest day for the city in 13 years.  Now, with weekend data out, turns out the story is even worse.  For the week ended 8/13, a total of 110 people were shot in Chicago with 24 of them killed.  YTD statistics indicate the city is spiraling out of control with total shootings up to 2,621, a mere ~50% YoY increase, with 445 total homicides.
The ironic thing is that Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the entire nation.  Obviously, what the liberal politicians have been attempting to do is notworking.  The following comes from the New York Times
Not a single gun shop can be found in this city because they are outlawed.  Handguns were banned in Chicago for decades, too, until 2010, when the United States Supreme Court ruled that was going too far, leading city leaders to settle for restrictions some describe as the closest they could get legally to a ban without a ban. Despite a continuing legal fight, Illinois remains the only state in the nation with no provision to let private citizens carry guns in public.
If unrest and violence are spiking this dramatically in places like Milwaukee and Chicago now, what are things going to be like when economic conditions start getting really, really bad in this nation?
During the months and years ahead, we are all going to see things that we never thought we would see happen in America.
In a world gone crazy, people are going to need hope, and that is why hope is going to become a larger and larger part of my message.
Hal Lindsey once said that we “can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air…but only for one second without hope.”
So let us all be a source of hope, because it is going to be in very short supply during the days to come.
Credit to Economic Collapse

Nine Iraqi migrants arrested after woman 'drugged and gang raped' in Austria

Image result for woman 'drugged and gang raped' in Austria

The nine men, who are all seeking asylum in Austria, had travelled to Vienna for New Year’s Eve celebrations where the assault took place.

There they allegedly drugged the woman and dragged her to nearby apartment block before carrying out the brutal attack.

The arrests were made in Austria after DNA evidence and CCTV footage was used to successfully build a case against the alleged rapists.

It comes as Austria's anti-immigrant Freedom Party desperately attempts to overturn the result of June's presidential election after a re-run was ordered by a judge when evidence showed "irregularities" in the count.

Police were called on January 1 when the woman awoke to discover she had been the victim of a vile sex attack.

But the arrests were made eight months later following a "protracted and difficult" investigation.

The victim had travelled to Vienna from Lower Saxony to see a friend for New Year’s celebrations.

A police spokesperson said: "There is no doubt about the gang rape according to the biological traces.

Credit to The Express.uk.co

Justice Department To Open Clinton Perjury Probe

Despite trustworthiness levels that would make Nixon blush, Hillary Clinton remains ahead in the polls and while we detailed the five potential scenarios that could crimp her lead, there is one word that looms large over her campaign: perjury. Just when you thought the whole lying-under-oath thing was yesterday's news, The Hill reports, leading House Republicans on Monday laid out detailed instructions for the Justice Department to file perjury charges against the Democratic presidential nominee.

Following news that the department would not indict Clinton, multiple Republicans noted apparent contradictions between what she said in public and what the FBI discovered to be true. In particular, The Hill notes that they pointed to statements that Clinton had made under oath before the Benghazi Committee last October.
For one, Clinton repeatedly claimed that none of the material she sent or received via her personal email account was marked as classified. The FBI later declared that at least three emails on her machine contained some classified markings, although they were incomplete and apparently done in error.

Additionally, Clinton previously claimed that her lawyers had gone through each of her emails individually; that all of her work-related emails were given back to the State Department in 2014; and that she used only one server throughout the course of her tenure as the nation’s top diplomat. Each of those points was proven incorrect, the GOP lawmakers claimed.

"The four pieces of sworn testimony by Secretary Clinton described herein are incompatible with the FBI’s findings," they wrote. "We hope this information is helpful to your office’s consideration of our referral."
And now, as The Hill details, more than a month after first requesting the department open a criminal probe into Clinton for alleged misstatements she made under oath, the GOP heads of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees told a federal prosecutor specifically where they believed Clinton had lied to Congress about her email setup at the Department of State.
Credit to Zero Hedge