Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Justice Department To Open Clinton Perjury Probe

Despite trustworthiness levels that would make Nixon blush, Hillary Clinton remains ahead in the polls and while we detailed the five potential scenarios that could crimp her lead, there is one word that looms large over her campaign: perjury. Just when you thought the whole lying-under-oath thing was yesterday's news, The Hill reports, leading House Republicans on Monday laid out detailed instructions for the Justice Department to file perjury charges against the Democratic presidential nominee.

Following news that the department would not indict Clinton, multiple Republicans noted apparent contradictions between what she said in public and what the FBI discovered to be true. In particular, The Hill notes that they pointed to statements that Clinton had made under oath before the Benghazi Committee last October.
For one, Clinton repeatedly claimed that none of the material she sent or received via her personal email account was marked as classified. The FBI later declared that at least three emails on her machine contained some classified markings, although they were incomplete and apparently done in error.

Additionally, Clinton previously claimed that her lawyers had gone through each of her emails individually; that all of her work-related emails were given back to the State Department in 2014; and that she used only one server throughout the course of her tenure as the nation’s top diplomat. Each of those points was proven incorrect, the GOP lawmakers claimed.

"The four pieces of sworn testimony by Secretary Clinton described herein are incompatible with the FBI’s findings," they wrote. "We hope this information is helpful to your office’s consideration of our referral."
And now, as The Hill details, more than a month after first requesting the department open a criminal probe into Clinton for alleged misstatements she made under oath, the GOP heads of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees told a federal prosecutor specifically where they believed Clinton had lied to Congress about her email setup at the Department of State.
Credit to Zero Hedge

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