Thursday, November 10, 2016


The Gates of the Gods

To understand the future we must look to the past. Why? Because ‘ancient ones’ that once challenged Yahweh in the council of the gods remain in contact with—and are now controlling—the minds of their last days elites. It may sound unbelievable, but if you’ve watched the trailer for the upcoming Abaddon Ascending 5-week Special Investigative Report, you’ve seen video footage of government leaders with occultists (including Satanists at CERN) invoking the opening of doorways for the imminent return of their deities and the surrender of mankind to “the god of this world.”

So… while at first the past may seem disconnected from the present, doubters will know better by the end of this investigation.

Ancient, mysterious rock foundations, structures, and temples across the globe have not ceased to baffle observers, and those who have dedicated their entire life’s work to studying these ruins have often raised more questions than they have answered. Not the least of these questions frequently focus on who built these structures, for what purposes they were built, and, most importantly, how they could have possibly been built. The size of the monolithic stones found in these locations, as well as the archaic building technology of that period, would have made the transportation and positioning of these stones a logical impossibility. And yet, these monoliths and constructs not only exist out in the open for any and all to see, but they are frequently assembled with such expert precision that you cannot place a needle or a human hair between the stones.

What kind of technology could mere humans have ever possessed to construct some of these marvelous edifices, especially during the primitive and ancient eras the structures are dated to? Archaeologists have spent thousands of years compiling theories, and many of them are even taught as fact in prestigious universities, but each time irrefutable evidence is brought forth to challenge these theories, the “facts” as we know them fall short of delivering a solid backstory that answers who, how, and why these buildings were assembled.

All around the world, legends exist from each culture of “gods” coming to earth (sometimes through portals, sometimes on UFOs, sometimes appearing without explanation, the details differing from one account to another) to communicate their wills to humankind. Many times, these legends depict these beings to be benevolent, and many times they are seen as evil. In almost every case, they are powerful and hold a certain level of dominion over man. But whether good or evil, one interesting parallel that appears over and over again is the tale that these beings mated with human women, producing godlike offspring. Demigods, like Hercules, could be explained as a result of this union.

It is for this reason that books, movies, television shows, and radio broadcasts have launched hundreds of thousands of fictional narratives that address these mysteries of prehistoric earth. Since the real answer to the whos, hows, and whys is not readily available through science and archaeology, the world of science fiction has grossed billions of dollars presenting fun and entertaining explanations. Whereas almost all of these stories are purposed for the sake of recreational amusement, sometimes the plots leave the audiences saying “hmmm” and wondering if Hollywood elites know or suspect more than they will admit.

One such movie was imagined in the early 1990s. It is to this narrative I will turn for a few pages, not to steer the readers into believing its Hollywood plot holds truth, but to bring the readers into the “feel” of another, more supernatural mindset regarding the possibilities of old-world structures.


In 1994, Carolco Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer paired with the acting talents of Kurt Russell and James Spader to produce a fascinating movie called Stargate. The story begins with a brilliant linguist and Egyptologist, Dr. Daniel Jackson (Spader), giving a lecture on the original builders of ancient Egyptian structures, primarily the Great Pyramid. As he timidly presents the evidence that the Great Pyramid was not built by the Egyptians, he is interrupted by skeptics in the audience. When one man asks forthrightly who had built the Great Pyramid, if it was not the Egyptians as Dr. Jackson was claiming, Jackson is forced to admit that he does not know—that nobody really knows—and he is therefore abandoned by the entire assembly of unbelieving scoffers.

Afterward, Jackson is approached by a woman, Catherine Langford, who quietly observed his presentation and offers him a job translating the hieroglyphs on a large but inactive gateway structure discovered in 1928 in Giza by Langford’s father. According to Langford, this undertaking might prove Dr. Jackson’s theories of the enigmatic Great Pyramid builders to be true. Jackson agrees to assist, and is taken to the gateway. Over the period of a couple of weeks, he deciphers that the symbols refer to spatial coordinates via patterns in star constellations. The external ring of the structure is then aligned with Jackson’s coordinates, and once the last symbol is locked into position, the gateway activates, revealing a bright wormhole resembling a wall of gravity-defying water.

The crew excitedly sends a probe to scout out the other side of the wormhole, but the probe cuts out quickly, only sending back a few blurry images of a similar gate on the other side. Jackson feels confident that he can activate the gate on the other side as well, ensuring that the travel capability would be two-way. Special Operations Military Commander Jack O’Neill (Russell) is sent to supervise a reconnaissance mission upon whatever lay beyond the stargate. He takes several soldiers with him, as well as Jackson, who assures that the men will return once he brings to life the stargate on the opposite end. Prior to their departure, Langford gives her prized “good luck” necklace—a gold chain dangling a medallion with the eye of the Egyptian god Ra found at the same location of the stargate—to Jackson, making him promise to return it to her.

Following Jackson’s savoring of the supernaturalism of the ancient technology, feeling the edge of the watery portal with his hands and then face, his body is sucked into the wormhole and thrown through space, zipping past the stars and balls of light, until he is spit out onto the dust and sands of an unidentified planet. The portal behind him deactivates, bathing the recon team in darkness. Flares are lit, and the team wanders through hallways of tan brick, eventually emerging from a giant doorway flooded with sunlight. They descend the stairs and look out across ceaseless, sweltering sands, no signs of life from any direction. Then, turning around, Jackson and O’Neill observe that the enormous building they arrived in minutes prior is an ancient pyramid, with three moons in the background.

Unable to locate the cover stones that would divulge the designated coordinates to return home, the men are left stranded. Jackson observes a set of tracks in the sand leading away from the pyramid. Investigating them leads him to a bizarre creature hooked to a manmade harness. The animal is spooked and takes off in a full run. Jackson, whose foot was entangled in the harness, is dragged over the hills a good distance toward a primitive society of people, followed closely behind by O’Neill and a pair of soldiers.

The inhabitants of the planet are human, clothed in tattered hides and coarse weaves, and before O’Neill’s crew is spotted, the people obliviously continue their toiling away in the laborious mining of an ore unfamiliar to anything on earth. Stacks of this ore are being compiled in various scatterings throughout the settlement.

Slowly, Jackson approaches a man at the edge of the settlement, and before he is able to attempt communication, the man observes Langford’s eye-of-Ra necklace around Jackson’s neck. Alerting his people of this, he falls to his knees in worship, and the rest of the inhabitants follow suit. A leader is brought forward to greet Jackson, but Jackson’s proficient linguistic knowledge seems apparently useless, as the native language only barely resembles ancient Egyptian, and they are unable to converse. Jackson presents the leader with a candy bar, and the response is positive, resulting in a gesture of invitation farther into the mining encampment. One of O’Neill’s men informs the commander that while they were exchanging initial peace gestures, he used a scanning device to take readings of the ore, and it proved to be made of the same extraterrestrial material as the stargate. This connection convinces O’Neill to accompany the leader, and after radioing the remaining recon team to keep the pyramid secure, the four men of earth are escorted to a civilization with tall brick buildings.

Over the city hangs the watchful eye of Ra, an exact match to Langford’s necklace.

Jackson discovers that reading and writing of any kind, even in the sand, are prohibited by local law. One young girl becomes aware of Jackson’s hunt for hieroglyphs through complicated hand-signing and agrees to lead him to the only remaining structure—a kind of tomb with dark hallways—where symbols are carved in the walls from another distant time.

Back at the pyramid, a great light beam flickers from the sky above, the ground shakes, and a craft—also shaped like a pyramid, fitting over the first edifice like a glove—lands atop it and activates several glittering tiers. The soldiers inside are killed by strange beings in canine or bird masks, the likes of which match Egyptian hieroglyphs depicting the gods Anubis and Horus.

Meanwhile, Jackson and the young native girl explore the hieroglyphs of the tomb and begin to communicate by pointing to the drawings and saying the words aloud. Jackson learns that the people’s language is an evolved Egyptian tongue that hasn’t been spoken on earth in over a thousand years, but once he restructures his understanding of the execution of vowels, he realizes that only by marginal adjustment of pronunciation, he can speak to the inhabitants of the civilization with full understanding. The story written on the walls of the tomb tells of a star traveler—one named “Ra”—who escaped extinction of his alien race by scouring the galaxy for other healthy, thriving signs of life in order to transfer his consciousness into another, more survivable, species.

Landing his craft on earth (the viewer is led to believe it was long ago in Egypt), a young and fearless human boy approached the craft. The boy was taken to the alien gray, Ra, who subsequently repossessed his body, cheating death, and essentially achieved immortality. In human form, Ra then traveled to this secondary planet with precious ore, where he erected a stargate as a portal between earth and his new location of power. Through the stargate, he brought hordes of earthlings as laborers to mine the ore, through which he would continue to develop alien technology and sustain life eternal. A rebellion was organized—by the humans on earth whose families were rapidly disappearing—to deactivate the stargate and bury it underground. Ra feared a similar retaliation on this secondary planet, so as a means of insurance that his ore would continue to be unquestionably provided by his earthly underlings, he outlawed reading and writing of any sort so the truth behind his malice would never be discovered as the human race continued to live in oblivious obedience to him as a god.

Just after unveiling the story to O’Neill and the others, a back hallway of the tomb is searched, and the stones with the stargate coordinates are found. The last symbol is corroded to the point that it is undecipherable, so with all possible links home found, and with heavy disappointment, O’Neill, Jackson, and the others decide to trek back to the pyramid. Upon arriving back, they are dumbfounded by the “activated” and glowing structure. Soon, they discover the remainder of their crew is missing, all of their personal items left behind. O’Neill finally reveals the US military’s secret order: At the first sign of real potential danger to earth, a nuclear bomb is to be detonated and the portal on the secondary planet forever destroyed. Before the mission can be carried out, however, it is revealed that the bomb is missing. An Anubis-masked alien arrives to abduct O’Neill and Jackson and take them to the throne room of Ra, located at the capstone section of the pyramid. Ra is displeased with the bomb his men found in the pyramid. He presses a button on the metallic masks of his nearby alien servants and the masks fold away, exposing the human faces of O’Neill’s previous crewmates who were killed, now resurrected and possessed by aliens. O’Neill attempts a heroic act, the aliens open fire with spear-like laser guns that far outperform any earthly gunfire equipment, and Dr. Jackson is shot and killed in the crossfire.

Ra has Jackson placed in the resurrection sarcophagus, where he is brought back to life and healed completely, then brought to Ra’s personal quarters. Jackson inquires about his death, and Ra explains that this is the reason the human race was chosen for his purposes: because their bodies are so easy to repair. When Jackson asks what Ra plans to do next, Ra explains that the nuclear bomb, when combined with the energy of the alien ore, will be a hundred times more powerful. This bomb will then be shipped to earth through the gateway, where it will destroy all human life. Before this plan can be carried out, however, Jackson must kill O’Neill and the remaining crew in front of all the miners in order to prove to the inhabitants of this secondary planet that Ra is the one and only true god of the people. In this way, they will continue to mine the ore and follow Ra without question. Should Jackson refuse, any and all men and women who have come into contact with Jackson will be destroyed, and Ra’s secret will be contained.

When Jackson is brought before his companions with a weapon in front of the entire assembly of miners, he discovers that the people have found the gun stores that were brought through the gateway by O’Neill’s men and hidden discreetly under their clothing. A flashback alerts the viewer that after Jackson’s capture, the young girl had taken key figures of their civilization into the tomb and explained that Ra was truly an alien gray and not a god at all; rather, that her people were originally from earth, abducted in ancient Egypt, and no longer had to live as slaves. Choosing to believe her explanation, her people were now prepared for a rebellion against the malice of Ra. Jackson sees his opportunity, points the laser gun at O’Neill, and fires instead on his alien captors. Gunfire breaks out from all sides and the civilians escape. Ra and his men return to the cap of the pyramid, where one of the lead aliens is killed for the failure to maintain control.

In a cave, a young Egyptian celebrates his newfound freedom to write, drawing a symbol of the day of victory against Ra’s men. Jackson observes the drawing of the pyramid with three moons above it. The moons, themselves, are in a pyramidal shape. Jackson approaches the wall, draws a line connecting the moons, and discovers the significance: The earliest Egyptian pyramid was shaped from this secondary planet’s moon alignment, an explanation for the unique building patterns of the first Egyptian structures on earth—built and supervised by Ra. Because this is also the symbol of origin, Jackson believes it doubles as the lost seventh symbol for the stargate, and thus, they have a way to return home.

While Ra is preparing the bomb to ship to earth, a caravan of ore is brought to the pyramid. Unbeknownst to Ra and his men, the caravan is led by a disguised O’Neill, Jackson, and the remaining soldiers. When a flurry of gunfire results, O’Neill makes his way to the bomb and activates it. Just as Ra is taking off in his capstone escape pod, Jackson and O’Neill figure out a way to plant the bomb on Ra’s ship. Seconds later, Ra is seen staring at the bomb, his face glowing. The alien gray shows from underneath, and then his ship explodes high in space, creating a nuclear flash of light that can be seen from the secondary planet below.

With Ra finally outwitted forever, Jackson configures the stargate with the seventh pyramidal symbol, and the remaining soldiers step through to earth. Jackson decides to remain on the secondary planet with the young girl, but sends Langford’s “good luck” necklace back with O’Neill.

Credit to Tom Horn

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