Thursday, October 27, 2016

Russia fires it's hypersonic 'super nuke' warhead

Image result for russia hypersonic missile

Russia has tested a prototype of a radical new hypersonic nuclear warhead, it has been claimed.

Troops launched an RS-18 ballistic missile on Tuesday which is believed to have been a test of the advanced hypersonic glider warhead, according to

It is eventually expected to be used by the Satan 2 'super-nuke' that is capable of wiping out England and Wales and is 2,000 times as powerful as the Hiroshima bomb.

The latest test is believed to have been conducted from a site near the town of Yasny, Orenburg region, in the southern Urals, and the warhead reached the Kura test range in Kamchatka in Russia's Far East. posted this image from the test.

Defence blog says the launch was meant to test Russia's hypersonic glider warhead, currently known by its developer designation, 'object 4202', or Aeroballistic Hypersonic Warhead.

The hypersonic glide vehicle would be able to get past missile defences as they make it impossible to calculate the warhead's ballistic trajectory.

The latest test is believed to have been conducted from a site near the town of Yasny, Orenburg region, in the southern Urals, and the warhead reached the Kura test range in Kamchatka in Russia's Far East.

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