Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hurricane Matthew Strengthens As Florida Governor Warns: "Evacuate Now. This Is Going To Kill People"

Hurricane Matthew regained strength overnight and now has maximum sustained winds of 125 mph.  While the storm is currently a category 3 hurricane, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) warns that "Matthew is forecast to be a category 4 hurricane as it approaches the east coast of Florida."  The NHC has warned residents from Florida to North Carolina to expect up to 12 inches of rain and "life-threatening surf and rip current conditions."
A state of emergency has been declared in Florida, Georgia and North and South Carolina as 100,000s of evacuating residents have jammed and gas stations and food stores as both are running out of supplies.  Meanwhile mandatory evacuations have been ordered in South Carolina where Governor Nikki Haley warned residents to “get 100 miles away from the coast.”
Florida Governor Rick Scott has issued evacuation orders for 1.5mm Florida residents.  Earlier this morning Scott warned residents to "evacuate, evacuate, evacuate" saying that "this is going to kill people."

Credit to Zero Hedge

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