Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Christians warn Pan-American solar eclipse to unleash biblical APOCALYPSE

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The apocalypse has been predicted next year by doomsayers from Christian website Unsealed.

The solar event will spread across America on August 21 next year - Crossing 12 US states.

Western Europe, including the UK, Ireland, France and Spain will then experience a partial eclipse.

It will be the first total eclipse to travel from one coast of America to the other, across 12 states, for almost a century.

Unsealed has said this event will be the beginning on the end.

The Christians are quoting the Bible as their main source of proof.

Scripture from the Book of Revelation supports its theory, according to Unsealed.

The conspiracy theorists have pointed to passages from The Book of Revelation to support their predictions.

They have highlighted passages describing a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon at her feet.

Scripture says the woman will be hunted by a Satanic seven-headed dragon looking to eat her unborn child.

It is said the child will be born and taken unto god, before an army of angels defeats the dragon.

Conspiracy theorists have also pointed to the birth of Israel as a state, which began in 1947, to support the theory.

They give significance to mention of this in accounts of the end of the world and say that next year will mark a biblical generation – 70 years – since it happened.

Unsealed also highlights predictions of twelfth-century Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel, who reportedly said the end of the world would come in 2017.

But, the doomsayers do hint at some uncertainty in their predictions as they've also said that scripture warns "no one knows" the hour of the apocalypse.

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  1. 4 views of September 23, 2017
    1) End of Humanity and Armageddon on the Day of Atonement (Rev 14:20ff; Rev 15 Day of Atonement Typeology; Rev 16/19 Armageddon)
    2) Beginning of the Day of the Lord which is a one year event according to Isaiah and covers both the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments and ends on the Day of Atonement with Armageddon.
    3) Mid point of the 7 year tribulation.
    4) Beginning of the 7 year Tribulation
    The problem I have with numbers 3 and 4 is that if the beginning heavenly sign begins in the 7th month such as 5 planets lining up in a row on the 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles in 2010, then the end sign 7 years later should be on the Day of Trumpet according to Revelation 12:1 and 11 –7th Trumpet and the only one between 2017 and 2100 + is the one on Sept. 23rd, 2017.

  2. Matt 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away (Isa. 65:17, Rev. 21:1), but my words shall not pass away. (Mk 13:31; Lk 21:33; Mt 5:18)

    Hebrew Idiom
    An idiom is an expression, a term, or a phrase whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal definitions and the arrangement of its parts, but refers instead to a figurative meaning that is known only through the conventional use of a specific language.

    Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. (Mk 13:32; Ac 1:6,7)
    When the days of the Messiah approach, even children will be able to discover secrets of wisdom, and through them be able to calculate the time of the end; then it will be revealed to all.' " (Zohar 1:117b-118a).
    Mk 13 note: In the Son's humanity, Jesus did not know when the day or hour would be. During this time on earth, Yeshua voluntary waived some of His divine perogatives according to Ryrie Study Bible.
    1) This verse may refer to the return of His second coming in Matthew 24:31. If you notice the year is not mentioned, the season is not mentioned, the month is not mentioned. The year is a year of Jubilee. The next one is in 2017 (6003), then 2067 (6053), then 2117 (6103). The season is in the Fall based on Lev. 23:24ff. The month according to the Julian calendar is Tishrei or the seventh month biblically again based on Leviticus 23. The first of the month is called Rosh Codesh and it begins on the sliver of the new moon. In September of 2017, for example, it is on the 23rd or 24th. Since these days are shortened, then we have to add 2-3 days more. Just by guessing, we don't know the day of the day. All we know is that it will be on the first sliver of the new moon in any given September. See notes Matt 24:31.
    Some people claim that Jesus was speaking only to people living in the first century of not knowing the day or hour, not to people living today.

    2) There is another interpretation to this verse and that refers to the end of the earth because of Matt 24:35 which Matt 24:36 follows. This month is Tishrei which is the 7th Biblical month in September/October which is tied to Leviticus 23:24ff which is called the Day of Trumpet. According to, this will be in the year 3015. The earth began in the 7th month in 3986 BC according to so it is fitting that it will end in the same month. The 7th month was the first month until 1441 or 1446 BC when the Exodus occurred in Exodus 12. Beginning in that year Abib/Nisan became the first month and it is in the spring in March/April and it begins on the first sliver of the new moon.
    3) Day and hour refers to the Day of Atonement for it is 25 hours long (i.e. one day plus one hour).
    4) Pentecost is also known as the Day and hour no man knoweth.
    5) Passover is day and hour no man knoweth.
    6) Because we by this time period have gone through the Trumpet and Bowl judgments, there may not be electricity, the sun will be 1/3rd gone, the moon, and stars will be 1/3rd gone, we have had 3 days of darkness, so Yeshua shall come as a thief in the night.
    According to the Jewish wedding, Yeshua\Jesus is in Heaven building His house while the bride on earth is preparing herself for the wedding. When the house is ready for the bride, the groom comes for her. (Matt 25:1-13). This will be on the Day of Trumpet (Lev 23:24). The story in Matt 25:1-13 clearly teaches watchfulness (v. 13); i.e., only those who are prepared for His coming will enter the kingdom.
    Leviticus 23 is connected to Leviticus 25:9-10 (Jubilee year) and especially verses 20-23. 2016-2017 is the 120th Jubilee, the 70th Jubilee, and the 50th Jubilee year.
