Monday, July 4, 2016

Horror after mob of 'foreign youths' sexually assault 35 females as young as 12 at Swedish music festival

Alexandra Larsson (pictured) told MailOnline she was molested on Friday night having been looking forward to attending the festival for months

A 17-year-old has told of her ordeal after a mob of 'foreign youths' sexually assaulted dozens of females at a Swedish music festival.

At least 35 aged between 12 and 17 reported being attacked during the 'Party in the Park' festival in Karlstad, 250 miles from Stockholm in Sweden's Varmland County on Friday and Saturday night.

Some of the alleged victims reported being 'kissed and groped' in scenes similar to the Cologne New Year attacks, in which dozens of women reported being assaulted.

One 17-year-old victim has waived her right to anonymity to describe how an attacker targeted her while she was watching music at the popular event.

Alexandra Larsson told MailOnline she was molested on Friday night having been looking forward to attending the festival for months.

She said: 'Everything was okay at the beginning of the evening. But things got out of hand during the last concert with John de Sohn that started at midnight.

'At first we were pushed right up against the stage by the massive crowd. Everyone around us behaved really badly and my friends told a couple of boys to quieten down.

'They were then threatened by the boys who said “you will die, b***h”. But the verbal abuse was just beginning. It would become much worse.

'We managed to walk away from those boys after a while and started watching the concert. That was when I felt the first touch against my bottom.

'Then someone took the liberty of grabbing my butt really hard. I turned away and said to the group of boys behind us that this was not okay, but I did not know who had done it. After a while, I felt someone running his fingers between my legs touching my genitals. Luckily, I had jeans on me.'

After the harassment, she turned around and said to the group of young men standing next to her that they should stop what they were doing. But everyone around her claimed to be innocent.

It then happened again, she said.

'I turned around and screamed right out that "whoever it was - you're a pig!" I told my friends what had just happened and they were all shocked. Me and my girlfriends decided to leave the concert, because we could not see who it was. It was just a sea of ​​people.'

Ms Larsson described a feeling of powerlessness as the festival she and her friends had been looking forward to was completely destroyed.

'It was creepy. Someone stood around me and groped me and I had no idea who it was. It was sick. We had come there to have fun, but the festival only lasted 20 minutes for us because it was so uncomfortable.

'The groping was at first a bit innocent. Just a touch on the bottom. Something that you can do by mistake in a big crowd of people. But it became worse and worse after that. The one touching me was becoming more and more rough every time.

She said that the boys around them were about 17 or 18-years-old but 'those standing behind me were not from a Swedish background.'

'They were probably immigrants. I hate to say it. But it is the truth,' she said.

'I have reported this to the police, but it feels like a drop in the ocean. I saw girls that came crying from the audience, including an old childhood friend who is two years younger. She cried so much that it broke my heart.

'The same thing had happened to her in front of the stage. A bunch of teenagers hidden in the crowd had grabbed her bottom, breast and genitals .

'I think that at least hundreds were molested at the festival. There are probably loads of unrecorded incidents.

'I have heard of others who had been grabbed during previous festivals. But it was sick being subjected to it myself, especially because it was so rough. It was like a punch in the face that it actually happened.

'I could see crying girls everywhere around me when I left the festival. I don't know if they all had been groped, but most of them probably had been violated in front of the stage.

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