Friday, July 8, 2016

Angela Merkel blasts 'untrustworthy' Putin as NATO bolsters troops on Russian border

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I sometimes wonder what would the US do if Russia and its allies have that number of troops and weapons on Mexico's border

As thousands of NATO troops gather on Russia's Baltic border, Angela Merkel yesterday blasted the Kremlin leader, claiming "trust had been lost" between herself and the Kremlin boss after he annexed Crimea in February 2014.

The German chancellor told her parliament Putin's lack of respect for "the validity of the law and the inviolability of borders" was of grave concern.

She said it was time for NATO's multinational military to show Eastern European states there was a "clear reassurance" that they would be protected from Russian "sabre rattling".

NATO leaders are expected to approve the deployment of up to 4,000 international troops in the Baltic states and Poland at a summit in Warsaw on Friday and Saturday.

But the ruthless Moscow leader has hit back at Merkel, warning Russia would defend itself in the face of "provocation" as the Kremlin stated it believed the number of troops massing on its border had "more than doubled" in recent months.

Canadian intelligence revealed Russia was preparing for full scale war as Putin said the world was descending into a new Cold War.

Credit to the

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