Thursday, June 16, 2016

Imam Says Journalists Should Be Beheaded During Fox News Interview

Two years ago, ISIS terrorists beheaded journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff on video for the world to see. In 2002, Taliban terrorists beheaded Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, publicizing the atrocity the same way. Last year, Islamic terrorists attacked the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine whose editors had depicted Mohammed on the cover, killing 11 people. When the terrorists left the scene they killed five more people, including a police officer, while running from authorities.

During a rally I covered in London last year, Islamic activists held signs that read, "Be careful with Muhammed," "Charlie Hebdo abuse factory," "What is free speech?" and more. They made the argument that insults to their prophet are unacceptable and that the Charlie Hebdo attack was justified.

Last night, Imam Abu Taubah told Fox News' Greta Van Susteren some journalists should be beheaded after she asked a question about James Foley, while also attempting to condemn the Orlando terrorist's actions.

"I believe some journalists need to be beheaded, but I wouldn’t have done that," Taubah said, following up by essentially saying he was joking.
Credit to Town Hall

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