Wednesday, May 25, 2016


How the Vatican Will Play Right into ISIS’ Hands
Obelisk In SiteRecently at a conference hosted by the Vatican, participants called for the Catholic Church to renounce its “just war” doctrine and “for Pope Francis to write an encyclical on nonviolence and ‘just peace.’” [i] Why is this issue of rejecting “Just War” raised now? Because of a secret that we spell out convincingly in the upcoming FINAL ENTRY to our 4-year investigation—The Final Roman Emperor, the Islamic Antichrist, and The Vatican’s Last Crusade—in which readers will discover how, among some Catholic hierarchy as well as mystics within Rome, it is believed the current pope is following an ancient scheme that will soon involve “Just War” theory.
Allow me to explain.

Over the last few years and on more than one occasion, Pope Francis as well as top Vatican diplomats and spokespersons have argued in favor of a coordinated international force to stop so-called Islamic State (ISIS) atrocities against Christians and other minorities throughout the Middle East. 

Recently this included Italian Archbishop Silvano Tomasi calling on the United Nations to “stop this kind of genocide.… Otherwise we’ll be crying out in the future about why we didn’t do something, why we allowed such a terrible tragedy to happen.”[ii] Pope Francis, himself, has tried to parse words between “stopping” ISIS and distancing himself from US-led bombing sorties, yet he, too, has used very specific language in recent days that has not gone unnoticed by this writer. 

These are hermeneutical efforts undoubtedly cultivated for theologians and knowledgeable persons to encourage them to see beneath his judiciously chosen phrases to his deeper sotto voce (“under voice”) communication, which clearly expresses his and Rome’s intentions to sanction a coming war, using terms like “unjust aggressor,” “genocide,” and even the very idiom, “Just War,”[iii] which are directly connected not only to specific activities of ISIS but are particular vocabulary extracted from the “Just War” theory” and “Just War” doctrine” (the latter is derived from Catholic Church 1992 Catechism, paragraph 2309, which lists strict conditions for “legitimate defense by military force”).

Both “Just War” traditions mentioned above (thoroughly examined in The Final Roman Emperor, the Islamic Antichrist, and the Vatican’s Last Crusade as it involves definitions by theologians, policy makers, and military leaders) repeatedly employ the very terms “unjust aggressor” and “genocide” for the purposes of ratifying those doctrines whenever “war is morally justifiable through a series of criteria, all of which must be met for a war to be considered just. 

The criteria are split into two groups: ‘the right to go to war’ (jus ad bellum) and ‘right conduct in war’ (jus in bello). The first concerns the morality of going to war and the second moral conduct within war,” which postulate that “war, while terrible, is not always the worst option. There may be responsibilities so important, atrocities that can be prevented or outcomes so undesirable they justify war.”[iv]

The fact that Pope Francis and other high-ranking churchmen have explicitly used precise “Just War” terms is telling and supports the predictions made in our FINAL ENTRY, a small part of which I summarize below. It also serves to clarify why Archbishop Tomasi, in his call to the UN for greater military action against ISIS, admitted his request for engagement was derived from “a doctrine that’s been developed both in the United Nations and in the social teaching of the Catholic Church.”[v] This is the dictum I believe certain power brokers at the Vatican (what Father Malachi Martin called the Masonic “Superforce”), and the pontiff will knowingly use to eventually engage the self-proclaimed caliph of the ISIS regime, who wants nothing less than a final, end-times Holy War leading to the arrival of the Islamic Mahdi (Messiah).

Once the proper balls are rolling as a result of what I predict in the upcoming final book, both ISIS and the Vatican will see themselves in the midst of specific unfolding prophecy. For their part, all the Vatican will need is the prophesied trigger events.
PREDICTION #1—Weapon of Mass Destruction
Isis wmdAs detailed in The Final Roman Emperor, the Islamic State and their associates are going to use a weapon of mass destruction. It will be of such scope and impact as to raise the international outcry sufficient for Rome to play its first card, which, as noted above, has been primed by subtle references to the Just War theory in the lead-up to this predicted event. When this WMD (specific details and charts in the upcoming book) is used by ISIS, the Roman pontiff will call for the revitalization of the Christian rules for “Just War.”
Under a new US President working with NATO and non-NATO allies, the Pope and the UN, a coalition army similar to the 2003 invasion of Iraq will be formed to seriously engage the Islamic radicals. Geopolitics aside, the jihadist will see the Vatican’s sanction of war as a new and final religious crusade—indeed, an actual fulfillment of their thirteen-hundred-year-old Hadith, which allegedly quotes the sayings of the prophet Mohammed concerning a last-days caliphate that goes up against “the army of Rome” to initiate “Malahim”—the equivalent to Armageddon in Christian teachings, a battle that ISIS believes they will ultimately win. This war will, according to ISIS, provoke the coming of Mahdi (their Messiah), the Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (Antichrist), and Isa (Jesus), who spears the Antichrist figure and fights on behalf of the Muslim army.
We will reveal how the pope likewise will view himself—and Rome—as amidst unfolding prophecy, which Francis has alluded to on several occasions, including connecting ISIS terrorism with the end of the world.[vi] This final pope on Malachy’s list has even recommended that people read Lord of the World—a related 1907 book by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson that depicts the reign of Antichrist and the Vatican’s relationship to the end of the world, which both Francis and emeritus Pope Benedict have called “prophetic.” This is not surprising, as the reigning pope is an avowed prophecy believer and knows that he is “Petrus Romanus,” the final pope (#112) from the famous “Prophecy of the Popes” attributed to St. Malachy (that is, unless Francis was notcanonically elected, which we discuss in The Final Roman Emperor, an intriguing possibility that presents additional strange and prophetic alternatives to the narrative). The best-selling work by Putnam and myself titled Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here thoroughly and critically dissected this mystical prophecy and found widespread support for the document from Catholics and even evidence that, down through the years, cardinals elected popes who could somehow be viewed as fulfilling their line in this prophecy. As it involves Pope Francis, here is what the final line in the prophecy says:
In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman [Pope #112, Petrus Romanus], who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.
Image result for In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church

When elected Pope #112, Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) immediately did several fascinating things to wrap himself in his “Peter the Roman” title:
  • First, he took as his namesake St. Francis of Assisi, an Italian (Roman) friar whose original name was Giovanni but that was later changed to Francesco di Pietro (Peter) di Bernardone—a name that can literally be translated “Peter the Roman” from the final line of the Prophecy of the Popes.
  • Second, Pope Francis knows that Francis of Assisi was a prophet and that he predicted this final pope would “be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death…for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer.” It is astonishing that Francis would pick as a namesake a man that foretold this of the final pope.
  • Third, Pope Francis named Pietro Parolin as the Vatican’s new secretary of state—a man who could sit on the throne of Peter if Pope Francis retires (like Benedict did), dies, or is killed, and whose name can also be viewed as “Peter the Roman.” If Francis was not canonically elected, Pietro Parolin would actually become the real Pope #112 under that scenario.
And then there are those famous last words from the Prophecy of the Popes itself, which says: “When these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people.” As you will learn in our fourth and final book, this idea, that the city of Rome will be destroyed during the reign of pope #112 (and just ahead of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as Judge), is a vision repeated in numerous ancient prophecies from Greek, Jewish, Catholic, and Muslim cultures! This includes what ISIS draws from their Hadith—that they will go to war against the army of Rome and destroy the Vatican’s headquarters. As mentioned in a prior online entry to this short series, ISIS has even produced a movie that depicts this apocalyptic event culminating in the destruction of Rome.[vii] In tandem with the prediction, they have threatened to kill Pope Francis,[viii] and the pontiff has responded by saying he is willing to be assassinated if that is God’s will; he just hopes it doesn’t hurt.[ix] As this narrative continues unfolding toward the conflict predicted in The Final Roman Emperor, it will become increasingly clear to the readers that both Pope Francis and ISIS believe they are engaged in an end-times scenario, making some of what Francis has said and done since his “election” understandable within a larger oracular context.
For example, in addition to what the ISIS Hadith and the Prophecy of the Popes says about the destruction of Rome, shortly after he accepted the pontificate, Pope Francis consecrated the world to “Our Lady of Fatima” during Mass in St. Peter’s Square.[x]Francis knows the prophecies and controversies connected to Fatima, including the vision of the “Holy Father” (pope) walking among a destroyed city (the Vatican) when ISIS-like fighters run in and kill him. Francis believes in this prophecy (obviously why he dedicated the world to precisely this Marian apparition), and ISIS vows to make it happen. In Petrus Romanus, we noted:
The third part of the Secret of Fatima, which was supposedly released in total by the Vatican June 26, 2000, seems to echo the visions of Pius X. A section of the material reads:
…before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way…on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.[xi]
Image result for fatima prediction

It’s interesting, given the prediction from Fatima, that Pope Francis has also reached out to Kabbalist rabbis, whose Zohar (the most important work of the Jewish Kabbalah, which was written in medieval Aramaic over seven hundred years ago) also foretells this destruction of Rome (Vaera section, volume 3, section 34) in connection with “Messiah’s” secret arrival in the year 2013 (is this why top rabbis in Israel are saying the Messiah’s presentation to the world is imminent?). And, after this “Messiah” makes himself known to the international community, “the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed.”[xii]
The depth to which Pope Francis can be thought of as a mystic and believer in such prophecy involving the coming destruction of Rome may also be connected to his knowledge of the Cumaean Sibyl, whose prophecy about the return of the god Apollo (identified in the New Testament as the spirit that will inhabit Antichrist) is encoded on the Great Seal of the United States,[xiii] as well as in Catholic art (from altars to illustrated books and even her appearance upon the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, where four other Sibyls join her [Paul cast a demon out of one such prophetesses in the New Testament]), and the Old Testament prophets in places of sacred honor. Yet this Cumaean—who sits so prominently inside Catholicism’s most celebrated chapel—gave forth another famous and forgotten prophecy, which we examine in the FINAL ENTRY to show how she was quoted by early Church Fathers and actually connected the end-times Islamic Mahdi with a “Last Roman Emperor” (who arguably developed into the “Holy Pope” legend)—an eschatological figure whose time, and whose catastrophic war, is coming very soon.
Will Pope Francis be the one to play the role of the Last Roman Emperor? Or will it be another pontiff? Was there something strange about the conclave from which Pope Francis emerged to the pontificate? Something mentioned earlier in this entry that suggests he was not actually “canonically elected?”
assisiEven some Catholics think “illegitimate” activity may have gone on behind closed doors during the last conclave[xiv] and that, for reasons we do not yet understand, Francis was put in as a temporary “placeholder” until the real pope #112 (Petrus Romanus) could be installed. This, too, might echo the choice of St. Francis of Assisi as a namesake, as the ancient friar did predict, “a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the pontificate.” The mysterious reasons surrounding a “placeholder” pope—a false pope—is largely unknown to the public, but was foresaw by such mystics as Father Herman Bernard Kramer in his work, The Book of Destiny. During an unusual interpretation he made of the twelfth chapter of the book of Revelation concerning “the great wonder” mentioned in verse one, Father Kramer wrote:
The “sign” in heaven is that of a woman with child crying out in her travail and anguish of delivery. In that travail, she gives birth to some definite “person” who is to RULE the Church with a rod of iron (verse 5). It then points to a conflict waged within the Church to elect one who was to “rule all nations” in the manner clearly stated. In accord with the text this is unmistakably a PAPAL ELECTION, for only Christ and his Vicar have the divine right to rule ALL NATIONS… But at this time the great powers may take a menacing attitude to hinder the election of the logical and expected candidate by threats of a general apostasy, assassination or imprisonment of this candidate if elected.[xv]
Although we disagree with Kramer’s interpretation of the book of Revelation, his fear that “great powers” may have taken “a menacing attitude to hinder the election of the logical and expected candidate” echoes the sentiment of priests mentioned elsewhere in our book Petrus Romanus, who see a crises for the Church coming, and the Final Roman Emperor (Antichrist) rising as a result. As we move through 2016, Pope Francis is publically looking for a global political authority (such as the UN) to come alongside him to implement his religious and social agenda, President Barack Obama may set his eyes on becoming the UN Secretary General following the US Presidential election,[xvi]and Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu is very concerned about the ramifications of both. Will the pope or ex-president step forward to fulfill the Cumaean Sibyl’s prophecy…or are there others waiting in the wings? You will learn the shocking truth to these questions and why an ISIS WMD and a call by Rome to sanction war will soon result in both Muslims and Romans engaging in their own apocalyptica.
Image result for Mahdi

Oh…and as you will learn more extensively in The Final Roman Emperor, nearly a decade ago, a major Islamic website set the date on which this war and its Mahdi would unfold: “Based on our numerical analysis of the Quran and Hadith,” the Muslim scholars concluded, “the official beginning of the End of Time and the coming of the Imam Mahdi will most likely be in…2016.[xvii]

Credit to Tom Horn

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