Monday, April 11, 2016

China Grows Its External Military Might With Peacekeeping Operations

Image result for china peace forces

Recent changes in Chinese law, together with a large participation in peacekeeping operations could mean that China is honing its military for use abroad.

China will continue increasing its military force projection abroad, military analyst Vasily Kashin told Sputnik.

Over 2,200 Chinese military and police took part in United Nations peacekeeping missions in 2015, becoming one of the largest sources of peacekeepers. According to Kashin, this could mean greater future power projection abroad.

"Participation in such operations on the one hand increases the international authority of the PRC, and on the other — makes it possible to prepare a significant number of military personnel with the experience of living abroad and contacts with people of other cultures," Kashin wrote.

He added that the number of military exercises conducted together with other countries has also grown. However, it was not until the 2011 Libyan conflict, that China began operations for evacuating its citizens overseas.

"Recent changes in Chinese law allow the PRC to use its armed forces and police special forces to fight terrorism abroad," Kashin added.

Credit to Sputnik

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