Monday, March 28, 2016

Non-Jews are forbidden by Jewish law to live in Israel, chief rabbi says

Image result for Non-Jews are forbidden by Jewish law to live in Israel, chief rabbi says

Jewish law forbids “goyim” – or gentiles – from living in Israel, the country’s chief Sephardic rabbi, Yitzhak Yosef, told followers in his weekly sermon.

Audio from the sermon was obtained by Channel 10, which was the first to air its contents.

Yosef is the son of the late Shas spiritual leader Ovadia Yosef, who was also known to make incendiary remarks about non-Jews.

“According to Jewish law, it’s forbidden for a non-Jew to live in the Land of Israel – unless he has accepted the seven Noachide laws,” Yosef is heard saying in the sermon.

“If the gentile is unwilling to accept these laws, then they must be sent to Saudi Arabia,” the rabbi said. “When there will be full, true redemption, we will do this.”

Earlier this month, Yosef ignited a firestorm of criticism when he said that religious law mandates the killing of an armed terrorist who is trying to commit a violent attack, and shouldn’t be afraid of being tried in court over such an action.

“If a terrorist is advancing with a knife, it’s a mitzva[commandment] to kill him,” said Yosef.

“One shouldn’t be afraid that someone will petition the High Court of Justice or some [army] chief of staff will come and say something different. There is no need to be afraid. ‘He who comes to kill you, get up and kill him,’” continued Yosef, citing the rabbinic dictum of self-defense.

Yosef stressed, however, that a murderous attacker who no longer has a weapon should not be killed, but rather put in prison for the rest of his life.

Credit to Jerusalem Post

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