Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Brussels TERROR attack: 34 dead, 230 injured as ISIS detonates nail-packed suitcase bomb

A SUITCASE bomb packed with nails was detonated in suicide attacks at Brussels airport and a metro station leaving at least 34 dead and 230 injured.

IGPassengers flee the terminal

The evil Islamic State (ISIS) have claimed responsibility for the Brussels terror attack, according to AMAQ, the news agency affiliated with the terror group.

A statement from AMAQ, said: "Islamic State fighters opened fire inside Zaventem Airport, before several of them detonated their explosive belts, as a martyrdom bomber detonated his explosive belt in the Maalbeek metro station."

At least 14 people have been killed and another 92 injured in the two large explosions at the airport, according to firemen at the scene.

Another 20 people have been killed and 106 injured after two blasts in Maelbeek metro station in Brussels, Yvan Mayeur, the Mayor of Brussels confirmed.

Medics from Gasthuisberg hospital in Leuven, where the wounded are being treated, said their injuries are consistent with at least one of the bombs being packed with nails before it was set off.

IGTwo blasts happened on a metro near the European Parliament

Several people are still trapped in the Maelbeek metro station, confirmed Belgian health minister Maggie De Block.

A Belgian news agency also reported witnesses had said they heard gunshots and shouts of Arabic at the time of the airport explosions.

Two kalashnikov assault rifles were also found in the airport lounge.

Two men were later arrested a mile away from the Maelbeek metro station at around 11am, some two hours after the blasts tore the train apart.

A spokesman for David Cameron confirmed a UK national is among the injured and advised Britons to avoid all but essential travel to Brussels.

Weapons have been found at the blast site at Zaventem airport, according to a Belgian news agency. The information has not yet been confirmed by an official source.

Three explosive devices have been recovered at the airport, including a suicide belt which failed to detonate, according to Belgian media.

A third bomb found at the airport was destroyed by security services, the Brussels provincial governor said.

TwitterPeople run from the airport after the explosions

One explosion took place near the Brussels Airlines check-in desk while the other bomb detonated near the American Airlines check-in.

Alphonse Youla, who was close to the Brussels Airlines area when the bombs detonated, said: "I saw a woman near the escalator near the arrivals area. She looked as though she had been cut in two by the explosion.

"I got five people out. They were injured or dead. I pulled out two policemen with crushed legs. There were a lot of injured, especially people with severed legs. I was under a lot of shock."

The large explosions have taken out glass windows at the entrance and much of the airport's ceiling has collapsed.

A Belgian flag has been put alongside the Union Jack outside No.10 in Downing Street and all flags on government buildings will be at half-mast.

IGArmed police arrest two men near the metro station

The metro station targeted by the terrorists is near the European Union (EU) headquarters.

There are now fears of several coordinated attacks across the city and the entire metro system has been shut down.

The Belgian prosecutor's office has now confirmed the attacks are suicide bombs.

The Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel has slammed the attacks as "blind, violent, cowardly" and has warned of more terror attacks.

Mr Michel added: "We were feared an attack and it's happened."

The Belgian leader said it was "a dark day for Belgium" and that his "thoughts go out to the victims and their families".

The French President François Hollande has called for "European unity" after the atrocities.

TWITTERA metro in central Brussels was also attacked

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said: "We are at war".

Countries across Europe are tightening security following the attacks.

Emergency services are still searching for fatalities and injured in the rubble at both scenes.

An Iraq-based news agency says Islamic State (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the attacks

David Crunelle TwitterInjured passengers at Brussels airport

The cause of the two blasts, which occurred at around 8am this morning at an American Airlines check-in desk, are unknown at this stage.

There are unconformed reports that a bomb had been placed next to a check-in desk.

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel has posted on Twitter: "We are following the situation minute by minute. The absolute priority is for the victims and people who were at the airport."

French minister of the interior Bernard Cazeneuve has said an extra 1,600 security forces and police will be deployed on the streets in France which is also under a high terror alert.

Police in Britain are also stepping up security at key locations across the country.

Belgian authorities have closed the metro in the capital of Brussels following the explosions.

The blasts occurred four days after the arrest in Brussels of Salah Abdeslam, suspected of being involved in November's Paris massacre that left 130 people dead and more than 300 injured.

Abdeslam's accomplice Najim Laacheaoui, who was in hiding with the Paris terrorist in the Brussels district of Molenbeek, is still on the run.

Belgian police had been on alert for any reprisal action.

The Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo has announced the Eiffel Tower will be lit up with the colours of the Belgian flag this evening to honour the victims of the attacks.

YOUTUBEThe airport is filled with smoke after the blast

Social media showed pictures of smoke rising from the departure hall where all windows had been shattered by the blast. Passengers were seen running away down a slipway from the departure lounge.

Rudi Vervoot, the president of the Brussels region, said: "There has been an explosion in the airport. An emergency plan will certainly be activated."

A witness said: "I was in the check-in queue and I heard an explosion. I saw smoke, I saw people panicking and running towards the exit. There was a second explosion much closer to me.

"Everyone left the airport in panic, most people left their baggage."

Credit to Express.co.uk

Credit RT

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