Tuesday, January 5, 2016

World Renowned Bible Codes Expert Rabbi Mattityahu Glazerson..Zohar And Bible Codes Predict “Messiah” (Antichrist?) In 2016

Bible Code Messiah 2016Speaking to Breaking Israel News, Glazerson said the auspiciousness of this year is enhanced by a different table in which he found something he says “statistically is one to millions.”  In this table, he found the sentence “HaMoshiach Purim” (the Messiah in Purim) which, says Glazerson, appears only “once in the Torah in a skip of 5776 letters.” 

This is significant because this coming holiday of Purim (which begins at sundown on March 23, 2016) will be the Purim of the Hebrew year 5776. At the 3:26 mark, Glazerson turns his attention to the Bible Codes table from the Book of Genesis that includes verse 49:1. In this table, he finds codes for a number of messianic concepts, including Ben Yishai (son of Yishai) which is a clear reference to King David from whom the Messiah son of David is descended. 

Significantly, the Hebrew words Ben Yishai intersect with the full verse from Genesis 49:1. Glazerson also found the code for Moshiach intersecting with the Hebrew letters that refer to this year. Finally, he points out that the Hebrew name of Eliyahu (Elijah the prophet) who is destined to announce the arrival of the Messiah, also intersects with the letters referring to the current Hebrew year. Glazerson ends the video optimistically.  

Although there have been promising findings in gematria and Bible Codes about previous years and we have not yet merited it, there are encouraging signs that 2016 will yet be the year in which the entire world will greet the Messiah.

Credit to Skywatchtv.com


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