Friday, November 13, 2015

The Two Major Reasons Why America Is Dead On Arrival

sodom and gomorrah 1

I was recently relating a story to young adults about how managed care companies make money by denying care. One case in point involved a mother and her precious daughter who was only 18 months old. The child had developed a 104 degree temperature. The mother called 911 and was told to go to Martin Luther King Jr. hospital in Los Angeles. Upon arrival, hospital officials told the desperate mother that Kaiser Permanente had denied the use of this “out of network hospital” to her daughter. Fearing that her daughter’s death was imminent, the mother begged and pleaded for the hospital to ignore Kaiser and treat her 18 month old anyway before she died. Both were forcibly removed from the hospital. The mother arrived at the second hospital just in time for her daughter to go into cardiac arrest and die.

A group of American expatriates, living in France, were once filmed reacting to this story and they said it would be impossible for this to happen in France because the “government feared the people”, while in America, the “people feared the government”. I asked these young people if they feared their government.

“In France, the government fears the people. In America, the people fear the government”.

What I discovered was that this was not a yes or no answer. Instead, many expressed the view that they feel powerless in the face of a government that permits these heinous behaviors to continue to happen. I was awestruck by the implications of what I was hearing. In that moment, I saw the future of our nation. I realized in that one small moment why America will never reclaim her glory. I now completely understand why this nation will never experience a rebirth where, like in Iceland, we throw all of the criminal banksters in prison and erase all public debt to Wall Street. I now know that only individual salvation is possible.
There are two reasons why America has no chance of reclaiming our position of prominence: (1) As a nation, we are absolutely and irrevocably spiritually bankrupt. As a result, God will not inspire a national rebirth because we are now a nation under judgment. Although, individual salvation is still possible, national revival is out of the question; and, (2) For the most part, our people are psychologically paralyzed. Our individual and national self-esteem is very low. Americans have lost their spirit of resilience. We no longer equate positive action with positive outcomes. We have been conditioned as a people to accept defeat without so much as a struggle.

America is Spiritually Bankrupt

sodom and gomorrah 2
Abraham asked if the Lord would spare the two decadent cities if fifty righteous people lived there. The Lord said yes. Boldly, Abraham kept bargaining down, until God agreed not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if even ten righteous people lived there. Then the Lord departed. Unable to find even 10 righteous men, the Lord subsequently rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah, destroying the buildings, the people, and all the vegetation in the plain. This is our future because we have lost our true Christian heritage. The wages of sin are death and destruction. Apparently, we have learned very little from the lessons of history.
If the Lord were to visit Washington DC and encounter the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein, McCain and Obama,  he would find that there were not 50 righteous men, there were not 40 righteous men, not 30, not 20, not even 10 righteous men and just like Sodom and Gomorrah, we will surely be destroyed. Our government is the source of nearly every war on this planet which kills and maims untold numbers of innocent people including the very old and the very young. Our government is controlled by the minions of the NWO, many of which are empowered to serve Lucifer. Our government and our military no longer serve the people of this country. Prior to the 2008 first round of bailouts, former Goldman Sachs executive and the Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson, stated that if we did not bail out Wall Street, we would see tanks and troops in our streets in one of the most treasonous statements ever uttered by a government official. And before the Libyan invasion, the Congress was told that our military was now under the control of NATO and the UN and that they had no say in whether we go to war, or not. Our country and government have been totally hijacked and it is not just the bankster thugs who have stolen our most precious resources. The minions of the NWO are controlled by Satan. This is not hyperbole, please consider the following quote from an United Nations official:
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.”
David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

The Great American Holocaust just reach new lows in depravity.
The Great American Holocaust just reach new lows in depravity.


America Is Psychologically Paralyzed

When I was growing up, I remember hearing phrases like “Yankee ingenuity” and the various play on words Amer”ICAN” to describe the resilient spirit of our people. America is a psychological shell of what it once was.

The Corporate Controlled Media

corporate controlled media
Six, count them six corporations control 98% of the media. They virtually control everything you read, see and hear. These six corporations are intertwined with controlling forces of big oil, the military industrial complex, the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. They control who gets elected through campaign donations and more importantly, they have brainwashed an entire nation to accept serfdom at the hands of their corporate masters.
The corporate controlled media uses specific psychological techniques to control the belief systems of the public.

Behavior Modification Through Operant and Classical Conditioning

Russian physiologist, Ivan Pavlov, at the turn of the 20th century, conducted a set of experiments which became known as “Pavlov’s Dog”. In the experiment, Pavlov would repeatedly ring a bell when he presented food to a dog and the dog would salivate to the food only. Eventually, the dog associated the hearing of the bell with the food and Pavlov discovered that the dog was subsequently trained to salivate to merely the sound of the bell. This principle became known as Classical Conditioning.
Classical conditioning techniques, present in the corporate controlled media, can condition most members of the public to denigrate anything sounding like a “conspiracy theory”. For example, anyone who suggests that anyone in government would ever engage in a conspiracy is quickly marginalized. Try explaining the concept of fractional reserve banking and how the Federal Reserve banks can take in one dollar and then turn around and create, out of thin air, 10 more dollars to loan out. Or, explain the simple forensics of the JFK assassination which proves that Lee Harvey Oswald did not fire a shot, and what happens? You are quickly marginalized by those around who say something like, “I did not know you were one of these conspiracy theorists”.  Therefore, the mere use of the term “conspiracy theorist” becomes a programmed, automatically conditioned trigger to reject any notion of a verifiable conspiracy theory. The NWO never cease conditioning us with an endless supply of propaganda because they own the media.

"We can make the sheep believe anything".
There is a second set of principles that is being used by the mainstream media to reinforce the “fallacy” of any conspiracy theory and this is called Behavior modification it is a set of therapies / techniques and it is based on operant conditioning  which was first brought to light by B.F. Skinner. The main principle comprises changing environmental events that are related to a person’s behavior and beliefs. The best example of these techniques at work would be the old Nazi notion that if you tell a big enough lie, often enough, the people will begin to accept the lie as truth. Subsequently, these two techniques are used in conjunction to create a false paradigm to the American people.

The Normalcy Bias

Once the globalists have control of the media and they have utilized the principles of classical and operant conditioning, a normalcy bias sets in and pervades the belief systems of the American people. The people become so convinced that there cannot be conspiracies, that when events such Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the present Jade Helm crisis begin to come to light, the public has been conditioned to ignore anything which smacks of a conspiracy. What would have sent millions of Americans to the streets before the advent of TV, now rolls right over the heads of most Americans.
The Normalcy Bias condition is well known to psychologists and sociologists. It refers to a mental state of denial in which individuals enter into when facing a disaster or pending danger. Normalcy Bias leads people to underestimate and minimize both the possibility of a catastrophe actually happening, as well as its possible consequences to their health and safety.
The Normalcy Bias often results in situations where people fail to prepare for a likely and impending disaster. The Normalcy Bias leads people to believe that since something has never happened before, that it never will happen. Therefore, like an infant with a security blanket we cling to our habitual, repetitive, and normal way of life, despite overwhelming proof that serious danger lies ahead. The viewing of President Obama as a danger to the American people by engaging in unprecedented dissident extraction and martial law drills through Jade Helm.
gore monkeys hear no evilThe Normalcy Bias is part of human nature and, to some extent, we are all guilty of participating in it. Unfortunately, the Normalcy Bias inhibits our ability to prevent and to eventually cope with a disaster once it is underway. People with Normalcy Bias have difficulty reacting to something they have not experienced before. The Normalcy Bias also leads people to interpret warnings and to inaccurately reframe information in order to project an optimistic outcome which leads the person to infer a less serious situation. In short, it is kind of a pain-killing drug which numbs a person to an impending danger.
Do you suffer from Normalcy Bias? Could you become a victim of the “my people perish from a lack of knowledge?”  If you are being honest with yourself, and do not see a threat in the existing power structure with the advent of Jade Helm or the ongoing California water crisis, then you are likely a sufferer of Normalcy Bias.
Even when the evidence of a conspiracy is so massive, the globalists have a means to counter the real facts and this falls under the category of learned helplessness as discovered by Martin Seligman.

Learned Helplessness

“There is nothing we can against criminal corporations and a corrupt government”.
Psychologist, Martin Seligman, discovered that “Learned helplessness” occurs when an animal is repeatedly subjected to an aversive stimulus that it cannot escape. Eventually, the animal will stop trying to avoid the stimulus and behave as if it is utterly helpless to change the situation. Even when opportunities to escape are presented, this learned helplessness will prevent any action”.
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Phase One
In the first phase of the learned helplessness experiment, Seligman placed a dog on an electrical grid, shocked the dog and noted that the dog would demonstrate the ability to escape the aversive stimulus.
Phase Two
In the second phase, the dog was barricaded on the grid and was unable to escape the painful shocks. Eventually the dog laid down and passively accepted the shock.
Phase Three
Seligman then removed the barricades and the dog could have easily escaped the shocks. However, the dog, conditioned by the prior set of events, simply laid down and accepted the shocks, without mounting any resistance whatsoever. This is present day California.

Learned Helplessness In America

This is how present day America has been conditioned to not act in the fact of absolute criminal behavior coming from the Obama administration. Today, we lay down in the face of the abject criminality of our government. We accept GMO’s, chemtrails, CPS sponsored child sex trafficking, the theft of our mortgages, the murder of dissidents, constant surveillance, unsafe medicines and foods, and the privatization of our most vital resources which are being priced out of our reach (e.g. water). We simply give up as a country in trying to change things because the system has been so unresponsive to the demands of the public, we have become conditioned to believe that our actions will not make any difference.
We sit primed today to accept everything our government does to us on behalf of their corporate controllers (phase three). The end result of our passivity is depopulation.


Today’s America is morally and spiritually bankrupt. We are a nation that embraces every form of perversion and are unable tell right from wrong. We are also a nation that is psychologically paralyzed who won’t even move to defend herself in the face of life-threatening danger. Yes, you should continue to speak the truth, you might be able to wake up and save a few people. However, your focus should be on adaptation and surviving what is unfolding. You cannnot stop it, you can only adapt. Save your soul while America prepares to rest in peace.
Credit to Common Sense

4 Harbingers Of Stock Market Doom That Foreshadowed The 2008 Crash Are Flashing Red Again

Hourglass - Public DomainSo many of the exact same patterns that we witnessed just before the stock market crash of 2008 are playing out once again right before our eyes.  Most of the time, a stock market crash doesn’t just come out of nowhere.  Normally there are specific leading indicators that we can look for that will tell us if major trouble is on the horizon.  One of these leading indicators is the junk bond market.  Right now, a closely watched high yield bond ETF known as JNK is sitting at 35.77.  If it falls below 35, that will be a major red flag, and it will be the first time that it has done so since 2009.  As you can see from this chart, JNK started crashing in June and July of 2008 – well before equities started crashing later that year.  A crash in junk bonds almost always precedes a major crash in stocks, and so this is something that I am watching carefully.
And there is a reason why junk bonds are crashing.  In 2015 we have seen the most corporate bond downgrades since the last financial crisis, and corporate debt defaults are absolutely skyrocketing.  The following comes from a recent piece by Porter Stansberry
So far this year, nearly 300 U.S. corporations have seen their bonds downgraded. That’s the most downgrades per year since the financial crisis of 2008-2009. The year isn’t over yet. Neither are the downgrades. More worrisome, the 12-month default rate on high-yield corporate debt has doubled this year. This suggests we are well into the next major debt-default cycle.
Another thing that I am watching closely is the price of oil.
A massive crash in the price of oil preceded the stock market crash of 2008, and over the past year we have seen another dramatic crash in the price of oil.
Many had been expecting the price of oil to bounce back, but instead we are seeing new downward momentum.  In fact, according to Business Insider the price of U.S. oil briefly dipped below $43 a barrel on Wednesday…
Crude oil was down nearly 3% in morning trade on Wednesday.
West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures in New York dropped to as low as $42.97 per barrel. Futures touched a $42-handle in the last week of October, but last traded near those levels for a considerable period in August.
Another thing that I am watching is the ongoing crash of other industrial commodities.  This is something that also preceded the stock market crash of 2008, and it is a clear sign that global economic activity is really slowing down.
Prices for industrial commodities such as aluminum, tin, iron ore and coal are all crashing.  But the commodity that has me most alarmed personally is copper.
Economists commonly refer to it as “Dr. Copper”, and there is a very good reason for that.  Looking back over history, the price of copper often makes a significant move in one direction or the other before the overall economy does.  And the price of copper almost always starts declining before stocks do.
As I write this, the price of copper has fallen to $2.21, and it is already lower than at any point since the last financial crisis.  To get a better perspective regarding what I am talking about, just check out this chart.  This is one signal that is absolutely screaming that a major financial crisis is imminent.
One more harbinger of financial doom on the horizon is the surging U.S. dollar.  The U.S. dollar surged just before the financial crisis of 2008, and now it is happening again.
Most Americans don’t understand this, but the truth is that a rising U.S. dollar puts an incredible amount of stress on emerging markets all around the globe.  Since the last financial crisis, many of these emerging markets have been on a massive debt binge, and much of that debt was denominated in U.S. dollars.  Now that the dollar has increased in value, emerging market borrowers are finding that it takes much more of their own local currencies to service and pay back those debts.  Defaults are rapidly rising, and emerging market economies all over the world (such as Brazil) have already plunged into recession.
If the Fed does follow through with an interest rate hike in December, that is going to make things even worse.  The U.S. dollar will surge even more, and emerging markets will be in even more trouble.
At the same time that the dollar is getting stronger, the euro is getting weaker.  An article that was posted by CNBC on Wednesday went so far as to state that “it is now looking like the euro reaching parity with the greenback is all but guaranteed”…
The prospect of the Fed hiking interest rates in December has pushed the dollar higher, and it is now looking like the euro reaching parity with the greenback is all but guaranteed.
Strategists, however, disagree on how quickly that will happen and how much more the dollar can appreciate in the near term. That depends, they say, on the Fed, and how fast it will raise interest rates in a world where other central banks are moving in the opposite direction toward easier policy.
Goldman Sachs analysts this week reiterated that they expect euro parity with the dollar by year-end though other strategists expect the decline in the common currency against the dollar to take longer.
Let’s see, who has been warning that this would happen for more than a year?  Here are just a few examples…
July 19th: “For a long time, I have been repeating my prediction that the euro would fall to parity with the U.S. dollar.”
June 28th: “As I have warned repeatedly, the euro is heading for parity with the U.S. dollar, and at some point it will drop below parity.”
May 25th: “As I have warned so many times before, the euro is headed for parity with the U.S. dollar, and then it is going to go below parity.”
In August 2014, just a little bit over a year ago, the EUR/USD was sitting above 1.30.  At that time very few people out there would have ever imagined we would be talking about parity just a little more than a year later.
This is just the beginning of a time of great financial volatility.  The things that we are going to witness in the months and years to come are going to be absolutely unprecedented.  A massive global debt super-cycle is coming to an end, and the pain that this is going to mean for the global economy is almost too great to put into words.
Credit to Economic Collapse

Earth Changes Accelerate As 12 Major Earthquakes Hit Chile Within The Last 24 Hours

Earth Globe Water Fire - Public DomainSomething strange is happening to our planet.  Over the past 30 days, there seems to have been much more “shaking” than normal, and this is particularly true along the Ring of Fire.  This afternoon I visited the official website of the U.S. Geological Survey, and I discovered that Chile had been hit with 12 major earthquakes within the last 24 hours alone.  The smallest was of magnitude 4.4, and the two largest both measured magnitude 6.9.  We have also seen dozens of volcanoes erupt recently, including the incredibly dangerous Mt. Popocatepetl in Mexico.  Fortunately we have not seen a major disaster that kills thousands of people yet, but many believe that all of this shaking is leading up to one.  In addition, the weather all over the world continues to get freakier and freakier.  Just today, Yemen was hit by a second major tropical cyclone in less than a week.  Any one of these strange disasters in isolation may not seem like that big of a deal, but when you start putting all of the pieces together it starts to become clear that something really significant is taking place.
So why are all of these things happening?  Well, some experts point to the sun.  In recent years there has been a tremendous amount of hype about “global warming”, but the truth is that evidence is starting to emerge that indicates that our sun might be heading into a period of “hibernation”
The sun will go into “hibernation” mode around 2030, and it has already started to get sleepy. At the Royal Astronomical Society’s annual meeting in July, Professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University in the UK confirmed it – the sun will begin its Maunder Minimum (Grand Solar Minimum) in 15 years. Other scientists had suggested years ago that this change was imminent, but Zharkova’s model is said to have near-perfect accuracy.
And what did we see last winter?  It was a very cold, bitter winter that set new all-time records all over the planet.  Here is more from that same article
Solar cycle 24 – two cycles prior the cycle that’s expected to bottom out into a Maunder Minimum – was weak. In 2013-14 it reached its maximum far below average. Meanwhile extreme cold-weather anomalies have occurred around the world. Last year “polar vortices” slammed into the central US and Siberia as a third hovered over the Atlantic. All 50 US states, including Hawaii, had temperatures below freezing for the first time in recorded history. Snowfall records were broken in cities in the US, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, Japan and elsewhere. Southern American states and central Mexico, where snow is rare, got heavy snow, as did the Middle East.
This past summer the cold didn’t let up, with more temperature records across the US and rare summer snows seen in Canada, the US and China. Birds have migrated early in the last two years. Antarctic sea ice set a new record in 2013 and it was broken again in 2014.
Will this upcoming winter be similar?
Should we be anticipating a lot of cold and a lot of snow?
I have been watching stories like this for a couple of years.  Our sun has begun to behave very erratically, and yet very few people are paying attention.  But without the sun, life on earth would not be possible.  So the fact that the giant ball of fire that we revolve around is starting to act very strangely should be a huge news story.
And this is not something that scientists have just started noticing.  This has been going on for quite some time.  For example, the following is from a BBC article that was published last year
I’ve been a solar physicist for 30 years, and I’ve never seen anything quite like this,” says Richard Harrison, head of space physics at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire.
He shows me recent footage captured by spacecraft that have their sights trained on our star. The Sun is revealed in exquisite detail, but its face is strangely featureless.
If you want to go back to see when the Sun was this inactive… you’ve got to go back about 100 years,” he says.
This solar lull is baffling scientists, because right now the Sun should be awash with activity.
Another thing that many scientists are watching closely is the possibility of a magnetic pole shift.  This has become such a concern that even scientists at NASA are talking about it.  A major news source in the UK recently published an article entitled “NASA: Earth’s magnetic poles are ‘switching’ with catastrophic consequences for humanity“, and the following was the most fascinating part of the story for me personally…
Bruce Jakosky, MAVEN principal investigator at the University of Colorado, Boulder, said when the switch does take place, the Earth’s magnetic field which prevents the Sun’s dangerous radiation getting through, would be neutralised for around 200 years.
He revealed the detail during an historic announcement about how Mars lost 99% of its atmosphere and its oceans that could have housed early life.
Mr Jakosky explained that Mars had been blasted by solar winds, which had stripped it of its atmosphere, for billions of years since the beginnings of our solar system.
He said: “When the polar shift happens the Earth will have no magnetic field for about 200 years.”
During that time the Sun’s solar blasts are expected to strip away at our atmosphere as they did on Mars billions of years ago.
That certainly doesn’t sound good.
How could humanity possibly survive if “the Earth will have no magnetic field” for 200 years?
Perhaps some would survive by living in underground facilities shielded from the sun.  But certainly most of humanity simply would not make it.
Meanwhile, as I have written about previously, scientists tell us that the entire universe is “slowly dying“.  Apparently the universe is only producing about half as much energy as it once did, and over time the level of energy being produced continues to fade.
Most of us just take for granted that our planet, our sun and our universe will remain stable and behave normally.
But what if we have entered a time when things start to change dramatically?
What if the years ahead are filled with earth changes of a magnitude that most of us cannot even possibly imagine?
What will that mean for our society and for the future of humanity?
Credit to End of the American Dream

EU flag burned as thousands join nationalist march in Poland

GETTY•EPAProtestors burned an EU flag as thousands took to the streets in Warsaw

In a show of defiance against EU lawmakers, an estimated 25,000 people joined a march to commemorate the anniversary of Poland's return to independence after the First World War.

Poland only joined the EU in 2004, however, many in Warsaw used the event to express rising anger with Brussels amid Europe's ongoing migrant crisis.

The nationalist display is believed to have been attended by far-right neo-Nazi groups.

A eurosceptic party recently claimed victory in the eastern European country's elections, with Poland's pro-EU prime minister also set to be replaced.
Protestors were photographed trampling and burning an EU flag while one group reportedly chanted: "Yesterday it was Moscow, today it's Brussels which takes away our freedom".

A banner held by demonstrators also featured the slogan "EU macht frei" a reference to the infamous 'work makes you free' gates at the Auschwitz death camp built by the Nazi’s as part of the Final Solution, which translates from German as 'EU makes you free'.

Despite clashes at previous marches in recent years and the deployment of several thousand riot police, the protest went off peacefully.

GETTYAn estimated 25,000 people took part in the march

Firecrackers, smoke bombs and thousands of Polish national flags were seen at the nationalist march, which gathered outside the country's national football stadium at one point.

One demonstrator, 27-year-old Piotr, told AFP: "I came here because I love Poland and want to show it.

"I came here for my grandfather, who fought in the Warsaw Uprising, and for his father, who fought for independence".

After eight years of rule by Poland's centrist Civic Platform party, the eurosceptic Law and Justice Party (PiS) won a small absolute majority in Warsaw last month.

The result is also set to see the country's pro-Brussels prime minister Ewa Kopacz replaced by PiS candidate Beata Szydlo.

The PiS party's opposition to an EU plan to relocate refugees fleeing war and persecution in the Middle East and Africa among member states is likely to set it on a collision course with Brussels.

Credit to

Russia deploys advanced 'Growler' anti-aircraft missile system in Syria able to hit jets at an altitude of up to 90,000 feet as far away as Tel Aviv

Vladimir Putin has deployed an advanced anti-aircraft missile defense system to Syria with a range capable of taking down jets as far away as Tel Aviv.

The Russian military released photographs of the S-400 Air Defense System, known to NATO as SA-21 'Growler', at the Latakia Airbase on the Syrian coast.

The advanced missile system, which is understood to have a maximum range of 250 miles is capable of bringing down an aircraft at a maximum altitude of 90,000 feet - which is more than twice the height of a cruising passenger airliner.

Analysts believe that that the military hardware, circled, forms part of the S-400 Air Defense System, known to NATO as the SA-21 'Growler' which has been deployed to Latakia Airbase in Syria, pictured

The SA-21 Growler can cover the airspace over RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus, Tel Aviv, Israel and most of Syria

The Russian military invited members of the media to the airbase on the Syrian coast to view their operation

The Russian Ministry of Defence invited a group of 50 foreign journalists to the airbase where the air-defence radar system could be clearly seen.

From the heavily-defended airbase, the missile system can cover an area covering most of Syria, southern Turkey, Cyprus, the eastern Mediterranean as well as much of Israel.

The missile system comes in three sections, with a central control point, a radar complex capable of tracking 300 targets and controlling six anti-aircraft missile launchers.

Credit to
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