Friday, November 13, 2015

Russia deploys advanced 'Growler' anti-aircraft missile system in Syria able to hit jets at an altitude of up to 90,000 feet as far away as Tel Aviv

Vladimir Putin has deployed an advanced anti-aircraft missile defense system to Syria with a range capable of taking down jets as far away as Tel Aviv.

The Russian military released photographs of the S-400 Air Defense System, known to NATO as SA-21 'Growler', at the Latakia Airbase on the Syrian coast.

The advanced missile system, which is understood to have a maximum range of 250 miles is capable of bringing down an aircraft at a maximum altitude of 90,000 feet - which is more than twice the height of a cruising passenger airliner.

Analysts believe that that the military hardware, circled, forms part of the S-400 Air Defense System, known to NATO as the SA-21 'Growler' which has been deployed to Latakia Airbase in Syria, pictured

The SA-21 Growler can cover the airspace over RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus, Tel Aviv, Israel and most of Syria

The Russian military invited members of the media to the airbase on the Syrian coast to view their operation

The Russian Ministry of Defence invited a group of 50 foreign journalists to the airbase where the air-defence radar system could be clearly seen.

From the heavily-defended airbase, the missile system can cover an area covering most of Syria, southern Turkey, Cyprus, the eastern Mediterranean as well as much of Israel.

The missile system comes in three sections, with a central control point, a radar complex capable of tracking 300 targets and controlling six anti-aircraft missile launchers.

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