Wednesday, November 18, 2015

France joint airstrikes with Russia targeting Raqqa training centres, checkpoints and weapons depots

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French and Russian air strikes in Syria have killed at least 33 ISIS terrorists in three-days of air strikes over northern Syria, it has emerged.

Dozens more jihadists have been wounded in the raids which targeted weapons depots, barracks and checkpoints in the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa.

Dramatic new footage of the French airstrikes shows rockets slamming into buildings below during a 72-hour bombing campaign.

France intensified strikes on Raqqa following last week's attacks in Paris that left 129 dead, with warplanes carrying out dozens of attacks on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Russia also pounded Raqqa with long-range bombers and sea-launched missiles on Tuesday, after Moscow confirmed that a bomb attack brought down a Russian passenger jet over Egypt last month, killing all 224 people on board.

Reports have emerged today that ISIS militants are stiff stiffening their defences for a possible assault on their de facto capital. Fighters are hiding in civilian neighborhoods, preventing anyone from fleeing, former residents say.

French military video shows air strikes against IS in Syria

Attack: French warplanes have bombed operational sites at the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa in Syria for the third consecutive day

French and Russian air strikes in Syria have killed at least 33 ISIS terrorists in three-days of air strikes over northern Syria, it has emerged. Footage shows French jets pounding ISIS targets

France intensified strikes on Raqqa following last week's attacks in Paris that left 129 dead, with warplanes carrying out dozens of raids on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

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