Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Muslim Invasion of Europe Is Picking Up Where Hitler Left Off

immigration we are next

In Europe, This Is Not Immigration, This Is An Invasion: Completing What Hitler Failed to Do In 1940

Nazi Occupied Europe in 1940
Nazi Occupied Europe in 1940

Muslim Invasion of Europe
Muslim Invasion of Europe 2015


immigrants are soldiers

immigrants syria

Even the Simpson’s Can See What Is Coming to America

What does the long time running show ‘The Simpsons’,  say the future holds for America, This episode of the Simpsons predicted a pole shift, Sharia Law in the US, Prince Harry bringing back be-headings, and a Revelation 13:17, which entails Beast system Cashless Society.

The People of Europe Are Frightened

Two of Europe’s richest countries, Germany and Sweden are being overrun by civil disobedient Muslims from Africa and Egypt. On their way to these two countries, tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” have poured into Austria from Hungary and Slovenia in recent history on their way to Germany and Sweden. Germany has already proclaimed that more than a million people from this silent invasion will end up in Germany alone by the end of 2015. These estimates should be considered to low-end guesses because they are coming the German government.
People seeking to obtain a gun along with ammunition in Germany, Great Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands is nearly impossible for the average person. Germany is using an Obama proposal, a psychological exam. Germany, for instance, in order to establish the right to  purchase liability insurance and verifiable compliance with strict firearms storage and safety rules. Self-defense is never a valid reason to purchase a gun in these countries. Why is it that these gun restrictions sounds so familiar. Could it be that Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands AND NOW OBAMA ARE ATTEMPTING TO IMPLEMENT THE EXACT SAME GUN CONTROL METHODS.

Immigrant Riots In Italy: Tomorrow It’s Dearborn, MI.

Sit back, turn the TV down and just watch the media coverage from Southern Italy as African immigrants destroy their resettlement community because their Sharia Law demands are not being met.

Let Us Have No Doubt As to Where President Obama Sits on Protecting America

immigrants obama support

Assimmilating or invading?
The UN Refugee/Resettlement Program: Assimmilating or invading?

immigrants jihadists

If this is happening in Europe, then why do you think it cannot happen here? President Obama, as I have previously written about has embracded the UN controlled Refugee/Resettlement Program.
immigrant sharia


Most American support freedom of religion, any religion. However, what is happening here, is not the free excercise thereof, it is a planned political and social invasion.
Most American support freedom of religion, any religion. However, what is happening here, is not the free excercise thereof, it is a planned political and social invasion.
With an indigenous birth rate of 1.8, America needs immigrants. But America does not need, nor can it survive immigration like what we are seeing in Europe. Ellis Island, processed 13 million immigrants, without computers. We are certainlly capable of doing the same. However, the forces behind the President are not interested in an immgration wave that could benefit America, they are seeking to decultulturalize and destroy the sovereignty of this country. I am shocked at the passivity of Americans who should very easily see the writing on the wall.
Credit to Common Sense

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