Monday, September 28, 2015

Rare 'Super Blood Moon' Appears Worldwide

For the first time in more than 30 years, skywatchers worldwide had the opportunity to see a rare full moon, supermoon and lunar eclipse combination.

The event took place Sunday night, beginning with the appearance of the full moon and supermoon. As reported by, a supermoon appears each month as the moon orbits the earth. Because its orbit is an imperfect circle, the moon comes closer at times and appears larger in the sk

What made this particular supermoon special is the fact that it appeared in conjunction with a lunar eclipse, creating a “Super Blood Moon.” Light still reaches the moon as it passes through Earth’s atmosphere and red light tends to make it through easier during an eclipse, also reports. This gives the moon a reddish glow, hence the nickname “blood moon.”

There was a lot of anticipation for the atypical celestial occurence, however some were unable to get a good view due to weather conditions.

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