Thursday, August 27, 2015

Security Official Confirms IDF Waiting and Ready to Strike Iran

Image result for israel airforce

“Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.” (Psalm 144:1)
The IDF is more ready than ever to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, a high-ranking Israeli security official revealed to Walla! news on Monday.
The unnamed senior official stated indicated that the military has been preparing for several years for the possibility of a strike. “Every year that passes, the IDF improves. We never stand still,” he said. “The professional level increases. In the coming year we will receive another submarine, F-35 fighter jets and other platforms. Intelligence is improving as well.”
The official also noted that Israel’s defense capabilities against a possible retaliatory Iranian strike were also improving.
Following the agreement between the P5+1 and the Islamic Republic reigning in Iran’s nuclear program, the report disclosed IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot instructed his deputy, Major General Yair Golan, to reassess and adapt the military’s plans for striking Iran.
The report added that the idea of a military strike on Iran has been essentially suspended among top governmental and military leaders for several years. Unless there is a major shift in the Israeli political landscape or a serious development in Iran’s nuclear capabilities, a military option appears off the table for now.
The senior security officials comments comes amid a bombshell recording of former Minister of Defense Ehud Barak divulging state secrets on Israel’s plans to strike Iran.
In the tapes, Barak claims that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wanted to attack Iran in 2010 and 2011 but was blocked by members of his government and then IDF chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi.
Even more startling is Barak’s confirmation that an Israeli strike was aborted in 2012 because it was scheduled to occur during a joint Israel-US military exercise. Out of concern for the US, the prime minister canceled the strike.
In a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office, Israel’s leader called to end “irresponsible talk on matters of national security.”
“Prime Minister Netanyahu continues to work responsibly and aggressively for the sake of the security of Israel and its citizens, does not bury his head in the sand, points to dangers and threats as they are, and works determinedly and decisively — just as he did a few days ago in Syria, and as he’s done in dozens of decisions and operations, some of which are hidden from the public eye, as they should be.”
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