Monday, August 3, 2015

PEGIDA IS BACK! Angry German protesters in Dresden march against Islamization



pegida-logoPEGIDA, the anti-Muslim immigration movement that first formed in the eastern city of Dresden late last year attracting tens of thousands of protesters, appears to have found a new focus: Government takeover of public parks to build tent city shelters for thousands of Muslim illegal aliens and potential jihadists.


Global Handelsblatt  PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) is gaining new support from German citizens opposed to the dumping of North African and Middle Eastern Muslim economic parasites and potential terrorists in the middle of their city by the Merkel government that seems to be punishing them for their massive anti-Islam protests earlier in the year.


At the height of the movement’s notoriety, back in January, more than 25,000 protestors regularly attended the marches, which also spread to some other German cities.

There has been a surge of refugees including ISIS terrorists disguised as refugees flooding into Europe seeking shelter from conflict in Africa and the Middle East and Germany has become one of the most popular destinations. 


The country registered more than 200,000 Muslim asylum applications in 2014, a figure that is expected to double to over 400,000 this year.

The increase has been accompanied by anti-Muslim illegals violence, with frequent attacks on asylum shelters across the country. 


In the first half of 2015, police reported 202 attacks on refugee housing, already more than the 198 incidents recorded in total for 2014. Saxony has also seen a number of incidents in recent weeks.

The construction of a tented camp for 2,000 refugees in Dresden has sparked PEGIDA members’ rage. Attacks on emergency workers, counter-demonstrators and still unoccupied asylum facilities have taken place daily since the camp was set up on Bremer Strasse.

Credit  to bare naked islam

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