Friday, August 14, 2015

Michele Bachmann “Extremely Excited” Iran Deal Ushering in End of Days

“And it shall come to pass on that day that I will make Jerusalem a stone of burden for all peoples; all who bear it shall be gashed, and all the nations of the earth shall gather about it.” (Zechariah 12:3)

Former Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann expressed her “excitement” over the Iran deal as a signal to the start of the End of Days. (Photo: Wiki Commons, Gage Skidmore)

In a recent radio interview, Michele Bachmann, former member of the United States House of Representatives from Minnesota, expressed her excitement over the Iran deal as a step towards the ultimate redemption.

Bachmann connected the UN Security Council vote on the Iran nuclear agreement with the fulfillment of the End of Days prophecy in Zechariah 12:3. When the UN voted unanimously on July 20th to endorse the agreement and lift sanctions against Iran, Bachmann saw a major prophecy coming true.

Interviewed on Jan Markell’s Understanding the Times radio show this past weekend, Bachmann said, “All the nations of the world signed an agreement that slams the door against Israel and opened it up to enriching and empowering the leading state sponsor of terror in the world whose ultimate goal is the annihilation of the Jewish State.”

Radio host Markell responded, “That is Zechariah 12:3, folks. That has been predicted for lots and lots of years.”

Speaking with the cadence of a preacher, Bachmann continued, “From a Biblical perspective, the Lord has allowed us to see how He is using politics, He’s using leaders, He’s using politicians, He’s using foreign policy in that to bring about where we are today.”

She further suggested that Christians should be very excited about the possibility that Congress will approve the agreement. That, she claimed, would be a further sign that the End of Days is upon us.

“I am really actually extremely excited because I think that we’re about to see if we believers act in concert, I believe that we can see the strong right arm of a holy God show to the world and prove to the world His power and His strength.”

There are similar teachings in Judaism that echo the theme found in Zechariah 12:3.

In Zechariah 14:2, it is written, “And I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to wage war.” In his book The Ishmaelite Exile, Rabbi Yechiel Weitzman quotes the Zohar, Judaism’s fundamental mystical text, which elaborates on the prophecy of Zechariah 14:2.

The Zohar states, “In the days of the Messiah, the descendents of Ishmael [the Arab nations] will come with all the nations of the world to fight for Jerusalem.” The unanimous vote of the UN Security Council on July 20 can be seen as fitting the description of the nations of the world uniting with the descendents of Ishmael.

As for the central role of Jerusalem at the End of Days, Rabbi Weitzman writes, “Jerusalem of the twenty-first century has become ‘the eye of the storm,’ the city the nations of the world demand be made an international – or at the very least, a binational – city. It is a city rocked by cries of anguish because of murderous suicide bombers. It cries over its children who are killed and wounded and who moan in grief.”

Credit to Breaking Israel News

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