Monday, August 10, 2015

Jade Helm, the Pope, Walmart and the Final Disposition of American Citizens


We are very certain that the Pope is going to announce a thinly veiled World Government on September 25th in his UN address. Of course, it will be disguised as an unified front to combat climate change. Make no mistake about it, climate change is the excuse, erasure of all national sovereignty and civil liberties is the goal.

Walmart’s Role Is Being Fully Exposed

Do you remember when I published the following photos taken by Big Spring, TX. resident, Marlon Brock, as he took these photos of large trucks hauling away all of the shelving from the Midland, TX. Walmart. And of course this was all done in the name of fixing the plumbing.
As photographed by Marlon Brock in early June, massive amounts of shelving is being hauled away from the Walmart store in Midland, Texas.
As photographed by Marlon Brock in early June, massive amounts of shelving is being hauled away from the Walmart store in Midland, Texas.
Later, Marlon Brock was able to penetrate security as he photographed the inside of the Midland Walmart and it clearly revealed the complete transformation that had taken place. Look at the following photograph, there is absolutely no shelving left in this Walmart that was allegedly closed for plumbing reasons.
There is no shelving left in the store. In this second photo, please take note of the black curtains spoken of by anonymous informer "Watcher".  See the excerpt on this below.
There is no shelving left in the store. In this second photo, please take note of the black curtains spoken of by anonymous informer “Watcher”.

It is clear that the Walmart in Rogers, Arkansas is ready to undergo the same face lift that the Midland Walmart just went through in what is becoming a very familiar theme.
The following video is of a Walmart in Rogers, Arkansas, which was supposedly a non Jade Helm state. The featured store is less than five years old, therefore, the veracity of the reports having plumbing concerns is simply not believable. This particular Walmart is still open, but please take note of the massive shipping containers that are cordoned off and stockpiled in the parking lot of the Rogers Walmart. This clearly is not about plumbing unless they were going to turn the store into one big toilet.

What Is All of This Leading Towards?

Would it surprise anyone to know that Sam Walton was previously in the prisoner of war business prior to the founding of Walmart and Sam’s Club? Would it further surprise you to know that Walton was connected with a Rockefeller owned major defense contractor known as Dupont? And this is after Sam Walton was connected to JC Pennys as he learned about retail distribution.
David Vose has written about and published the following video which a common sense summary of why we should be concerned with Walmart’s connection with Jade Helm.
In light of this revelation, all the Walmart speculation that took place in the April-June period of time now appears to have been well-founded and stunningly accurate.

Walmart, the NSA, the Military and Local Law Enforcement in Adamsville, Alabama

Joshua Coy is a talk show host at WYDE FM, the largest FM station in Alabama. He is somebody that I have come to know very well as he reached out to me over a year and a half ago. To me, it is shocking that somebody that I know this well would become one of my primary sources for the nefarious connection between Walmart and Jade Helm.
Located almost 15 miles from Birmingham, AL. in the country and with a total population of 4,522 people, Adamsville, Alabama is hardly the place one would find a Walmart Super Center.
The Adamsville city hall representing less than 5,000 citizens.
The Adamsville city hall representing less than 5,000 citizens.
Adamsville armed with police station headquarters barely large enough to accommodate Andy and Barney, the town is large enough for a Walmart Supercenter, 14 military vehicles, a Command and Control vehicle and Adamsville is host to clandestine meetings between the NSA, the military and local law enforcement agencies as far away as 20 miles.
Adamsville armed with police station headquarters barely large enough to accommodate Andy and Barney, the town is large enough for a Walmart Supercenter, 14 military vehicles, a Command and Control vehicle and Adamsville is host to clandestine meetings between the NSA, the military and local law enforcement agencies as far away as 20 miles.

A Walmart Supercenter in a rural town which has a population of 4,522 and it is 15 miles from Birmingham.
A Walmart Supercenter in a rural town which has a population of 4,522 and it is 15 miles from Birmingham.

An example of the militarization of this small town as evidenced by this black MWRAP.
An example of the militarization of this small town as evidenced by this black MWRAP.
Why does a town of less than 5,000 people need an operations Command and Control vehicle?
Why does a town of less than 5,000 people need an operations Command and Control vehicle?

Is this what they need in Adamsville to hand out parking tickets?
Is this what they need in Adamsville to hand out parking tickets?
adamsville operations command vehicle
Joshua Coy observed a meeting at a local restaurant, Jim Dearmanns which is located right beside the Adamsville Walmart. It was here, that two days ago, Josh witnessed NSA vehicles, local county sheriff’s vehicles, the Birmingham Police Department from 15 miles away and several and the military. Later, in the day, Josh reported that the black NSA vehicle followed, harassed and attempted to intimidate him.
Josh traveled behind the Walmart and found massive construction going on behind the Walmart as you note the white construction trucks in the background.
adamsville walmart construction


We need to put more eyes on all Walmarts across the country. It is a store, especially given its human rights record, that should boycotted. However, after 5 months of reporting on Jade Helm, I am convinced that Walmart holds the key for what is coming inside of America.
As we connect the dots, and we see that Sam Walton was groomed for what Walmart is doing today, Walmart deserves the attention that it is getting in the present climate. Walton’s POW supervision work is particularly telling in light of Jade Helm and its mission to extract political dissidents and impose martial law.
When we see kinds of Walmart connected activities in Midland, Rogers and Adamsville, we are seeing military and law enforcement activity that is disproportionate to the size of the surrounding community. In the present climate, as the Pope is preparing to tell the world that we are all under one authority that will manage climate change (as the excuse), then we should cast a very critical eye upon Walmart. In the five months that I have examined Jade Helm related issues, I think that there is very little doubt that Walmart is going to play a very large role in the detention and disposition of millions of Americans in whatever lies ahead for our country.
Credit to Common Sense

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