Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Iraqi Refugee: ‘We Lost All Our Possessions, But We Haven’t Lost Jesus’

(Open Doors) — Lujah* is in her early seventies. She lives with her younger sister and nephew. They were inhabitants of Mosul, Iraq until the early morning of June 10, 2014. It was on this morning that friends knocked on their door impatiently, urging them to leave.

“We were living at our house with dignity, but suddenly, we had to leave everything behind,” she shares. “I only took a bag of clothes and I grabbed my Bible. We headed right to Qaraqosh, a city near Mosul where a lot of Christians used to live.”

Not more than two months later, they were also driven from Qaraqosh by the Islamic State and fled to Erbil.

What happened to their house? They heard everything was stolen from it and that the “N-sign” (symbol used by IS to identify who is a Nazarene – a Christian) was written on their house after they left.

“There is evil in people’s hearts in Mosul,” Lujah says with a sad voice. “They were giving the Christians a hard time even before IS came. So it is hard for the city to be okay.”

Lujah adds: “We have lost all of our possessions, but we haven’t lost our faith in Jesus.”

Now, the two elderly ladies share a house with four other families. A church is providing support for them in Erbil.

Prayer is their lifeline in this difficult situation. Through studying the Bible, Lujah discovered that it is important to keep her faith and keep praying even if she loses everything.

“Jesus and His Word are the only ones staying,” she says.

Credit to Open House

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