Monday, August 17, 2015

Emergence of the "Sheisse" Dollar

Willi says, ”The new The new ‘Scheiss’ dollar will probably follow the procedure of the launch of the Euro.
People were given 3 months notice to give their existing paper currency to the bank and exchange it.
I think the new dollar won’t be given that much time, as things are accelerating. When they are are bringing the old dollars to the bank to exchange for the new dollars,

 I think that they are going to say “It’s going to be 1 for 1.
And as soon as the procedure is done, they are going to
devalue the Scheiss dollar.”
The Chinese are the biggest holders of Treasury bonds and a year ago, they demanded that the dollar no longer be used as the golobal reserve. It eventually has to be gold, because
You can’t replace one faulty paper system
with another faulty paper system.
It has to go to metal.
I think we are goint to see that 30% that China and the US agreed upon in a compromise. The Chinese said that they wanted te US to devalue the dollar by 50% and the Treasury officials said, “That’s too much!  So they decided on a compromise of 2 staggered  30% devalutions of the dollar.
 So there you have it. Two 30% devalutaions, which I think the first one happens as soon as people bring in their dollars to exchange, and then they will devalue it in Stage One.
With  a 30% price devalution, you will see a
roughly 42% increase in the price  of all imported goods.
That is significant. I expect an interim period, and lies…and later, they will actually say the the new dollar has a new firm gold backing. And it will be a lie becaue they will have independent auditors that disprove it.
Then, gold will double and silver will triple.
They are going to reprice the currencies relative to gold.
The Euro is going to be cut in half, relative to gold. The dollar will be cut in half, versus gold.
Venezuala is your laboratory for observing what will happen to the US economy with regard to devaluations. Massive import inflation and shortages of supply and a lot of exodus of money by the rich and renouncing citizenship will occur. That ‘s what Jade Helm is all about, to prevent that!
The elite Americans will be gathering gold, while Americans will be discouraged from buying it.  
Credit to:
Back to the future with Mr. Nixon and the devaluation of the dollar.......

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