Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Aborted Babies Being Used To Create Genetically Modified Human-Animals… If This Isn’t The Days Of Noah, What Is?

Now, the release of the full, unedited latest Planned Parenthood video from the Center For Medical Progress, made public Thursday, has confirmed the abortion organisation is indeed involved with this practice. Life News reports that “The full video, which runs for five hours and forty-five minutes, expands on a conversation between Melissa Farrell, Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, and two CMP actors posing as representatives of an organ procurement company. That conversation focused on potential compensation to Planned Parenthood in exchange for fetal remains […] In the lengthy video, Farrell is seen looking over her e-mail when she finds a message from an immune-biology laboratory that was requesting fetal tissue to create humanized mice. The full conversation can be reviewed beginning at the 4:27:45 time marker on the full video.

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