Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Vatican Claims Jerusalem......

woman who rides beast5

A Hebrew Nation News Special Report by Bonnie Harvey
I am concerned about some things I’m seeing in Jerusalem/Israel, so I decided to go back to scripture to examine and re-examine the scripture concerning same, hoping to distinguish my thoughts from the actual words of scripture.
So, actually, what do we know from scripture regarding Israel in the last days? We know that the land will be divided (Joel 3:2) and that the Third Temple will be built, which the pseudo-Messiah will profane (Dan. 9:27Rev. 11:1-2). The word used for “abomination” in this portion of Daniel is “shiqoots,” or, meaning “disgusting.”
Concerning this profaning, we have two examples in history of such “profaning,” the first example being the setting up of a statue of Zeus in the First Temple by Antiochus Epiphanes. The second example is of Titus having carnal knowledge of two prostitutes on the altar with a Torah scroll rolled out beneath them. Daniel was not kidding about the “disgusting” part. “Shiqoots” of the Temple is not limited to history, however, for we can see the Dome of the Rock sitting where the Temple once sat, complete with a sign announcing that Elohim has no son. Perhaps this is the greatest shiqoots in Temple history.
What else do we know about Israel in the last days? We know that Jerusalem will be a cup of staggering to all nations and that all nations will gather against her. In response, Yehovah Himself will strike them down, for Jerusalem is the apple of Yahweh’s eye.
What is Jerusalem’s part in all of this? Has she been unfairly attacked just because Yahweh loves her? Isaiah alludes to her part, her sins, and that her hardship has been/will be punishment rather than any injustice. John calls Jerusalem, i.e., “where the Lord was crucified,” “Sodom” and “Egypt.” Why would John call Jerusalem such accursed names?
What have they done or what are they doing to warrant such address? That is the focus of this article. I am raising issues for our awareness, so we know how to pray, how to interpret, and how to reckon the timeline.
  1. The Timeline.   In Daniel 9, we see the basic elements of a., a ruler who will come, strengthening a covenant (definition) c., with the “many” (rabim, rabble, nations of the world?) d., for 7 years. If we have all of these 4 elements, I urge everyone to take a serious look for this looks very much like the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel. If this is the case, the horses will soon ride globally.
What we have on our plates right now is Israel asking for a 5-7 year treatyand Obama pushing for a 7-year treaty. The Oslo Accord was signed in September of 1993 and was revoked just short of 7 years later, being signed on Elul 27 and was revoked before sundown on Elul 28 seven years later when Ariel Sharon ascended the Temple Mount to pray for the return of Israel. Here’s a Gregorian-to-Hillel converter to help with the calculations.
So, we have the element of “covenant” and the element of “7 years.” Is there any more evidence of the element of a “covenant”?
  1. New Checkpoints. I have had contact with Steven ben Denoon, who is an Israeli citizen who lives in Israel 9 months of the year and is a Messianic Jew. He was on the Hebrew Nation Radio Thursday Morning Show on July 2, 2015, to discuss the new checkpoints and highway changes in Israel recently. He will again appear on this radio program July 23, 2015.
Steven states that for the past 4 years or so, authorities in Israel have been widening Highway 1 from Tel Aviv (the site of the main airport in Israel, Ben Gurion Airport) to Jerusalem. Now, within the past year or so, Steven reports that first the arches appeared, then the remainder of the checkpoint. He has taken pictures of the size of the electrical/electronic capability to the checkpoint, a detail that he concludes is evidence of a sophisticated, passport-checking, high-volume checkpoint.
The truly upsetting aspect of the above is that Hwy. 1 from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is completely within Jewish held, occupied, ruled, and unchallenged territory. Hitherto, checkpoints have only been established between Arab occupied and Jewish occupied parcels. Why build checkpoints between Jewish held land and a Jewish held city, Jerusalem? Is the answer simple? Does the answer reflect the decision of our own Supreme Court? Is the answer that Jerusalem has already been established as an international city, sovereign from Israel and under another’s rule and authority?
Steven reports that many Israelis are concerned, but, just like America, they’re not rebelling because they still have goods, peace, and services.
Below are some photos that were taken by Steven ben DeNoon:
Arch in Jerusalem
Above: The arches on Hwy 1 first appear on the newly widened highway from the major airport to Jerusalem.
Arch in Jerusalem2
Above: The arches began to take shape, revealing a functioning, barricaded checkpoint.
arch in jerusalem3
Above: The size of the cables reveal a checkpoint that will have sophisticated resources.
Is Steven ben DeNoon the only one noticing and calling attention to these new barricades? No. Pastor Paul Begley, and earnest watchman, interviewsIsrael citizen, Simantov Allaloof, who has also watched the new construction and raises the same questions as ben DeNoon.
arch in jerusalem4
Above: The new high-speed light rail train between Ben Gurion Airport and Jerusalem.  
“Why,” asks ben De Noon, “does Israel need an entirely new system between the airport and Jerusalem? Buses are adequate. Is Israel going to see a great influx of visitors? From where?” Then, he wonders aloud concerning just what would make Jerusalem such a magnet for such a sizable increase. The possibilities he voices are concerning.
That question raises the next issue.
  1. Who is paying for these improvements? If we answer this question, we might get to the bottom of what is actually occurring.
An Italian journalist writing for Arutz Sheva twice weekly, Giulio Meotti, wrote an article that was published June 30, 2015, in which he outlined Vatican disregard for Jewish access and control of the Temple Mount. After discussing Pope John Paul’s visit to the Arab-flag bedecked Temple Mount in 2000, Meotti concludes that the papal visit, hosted solely by the PLO, was the Vatican “recognition of Islamic hegemony” and of the Islamic and Christian “right” to supersede Jewish interests in the holy places.
Most disturbingly, Meotti writes that “the Vatican-PLO agreements have been signed to enable the eviction of the Jews from Jerusalem.” Other agreements have been signed, including a memorandum of “preserving the proper identity and sacred character” of Jerusalem by returning to a pre-67 scenario wherein Jews were barred from the Old City and half of the city was under Islamic rule.
Meotti’s sentiments were echoed on the site The title of the article is, The Vatican Wants the Temple Mount Taken from the Jews, where he quotes the above Meotti source.
On June 26, 2015, the Associated Press released a story with the banner, Vatican Sign Treaty with “State of Palestine.” The Treaty recognized a Palestinian State and regulated Catholic participation within the new State. This Treaty was the first to recognize Palestine as a State.
pope and company
Above: Vatican Foreign Minister Gallagher and Riad al-Malki after signing the first treaty recognizing Palestine as a State.
Additionally, Steven ben DeNoon reports that a beautiful new mall has been constructed just outside of Jaffa Gate, complete with an elaborate Catholic church in the middle of the mall.   DoNoon ponders this strange juxtaposition and wonders if paying for the construction of the mall earned the Catholic right to put a church in the middle.
Again, Arutz Sheva reporter, Guilio Meotti, wrote in an article entitled, A Seat for the Pope at King David’s Tomb, that Netanyahu granted the Pope an official seat in the room where the Last Supper is believed to have been held on Mt. Zion. It is also the believed to be the Tomb of King David. This agreement is expected to be ratified in the near future. Meotti, once again, outlines the long struggle and extreme interest of the Catholic Church in obtaining possession, rights, control, and dominion over this site (and dozens of other sites) while consistently “working to reduce Jewish rights in Jerusalem” and “campaigning with the Arabs against Israel.” The agreement will allow this site on Mt. Zion to open for mass from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. It is here, close to the Temple Mount, that the newly ordered “Mass to Lucifer” will be sung daily.
DeNoon researched briefly concerning just who was paying to the new checkpoints and rail system, the answer, “Taxes and a private entity.” NO information regarding the “private entity.” I’ve asked him to research the “private entity.”
In the meantime, let’s ask some questions. What “private entity” has an extreme interest in Jerusalem? What “private entity” has enough money to build major infrastructural changes in a nation? What does the pope want with the ostensible room for the last supper of Yeshua (probably not), but, probably is the burial place of King David. Is the pope’s interest more in the seat of King David? Is he preparing the way for the pseudo-messiah to reign from Jerusalem? Is that why the need for a new rail system? For the dignitaries that will flock to the pseudo-messiah? Will the imposter rule from Jerusalem? Will this  “international” city be cut off from Israel? Is this fulfillment of  prophesy unfolding before our eyes, about the “siege” (to isolate/cut off/restrict) that is laid against Jerusalem?
Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem.  Zechariah 12: 2
Is that the reason for the checkpoints in to west Jerusalem?
  1. Is there any other suspicious building activity in or around Jerusalem? Yes. Routes north and south of Jerusalem, mostly Arab-occupied land, is enjoying a surge of freeway construction which appears to link Arab-occupied land, East Jerusalem, and other surround Arab-occupied lands, thus eliminating their need to pass through Israeli checkpoints.
Below, we see another Steven ben DeNoon photo, showing a new freeway from Ramallah (Arab city north of Jerusalem) into Jerusalem. NO checkpoints.
Ramallah highway
5. The Ruler to come – Islamocatholicism. (aka Woman who rides the beast, from Revelation 17).
Let’s look at Daniel 9 again. “The people of the ruler to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.” Who are the people who destroyed the sanctuary? The Romans. The leader who signs the covenant will be related to Rome. Let’s look at Daniel’s statue again.
daniels statue_BH
“Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. 11 The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.” (Rev 17:10-11)
John noted that the Roman empire was the sixth because “five have fallen, and one is,” i.e., the legs of iron. The empire that was in existence during John’s life was Rome, who is the iron in the statue, a generally accepted interpretation since the 1st Century congregations.
Notice that Rome, the legs of iron, are two separate entities. Rome split into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern.   Read a fascinating and brief history on how and why the Catholic Church helped to guide Mohammad, by Jesuit Cardinal, Augustine Bea. The goal, states this cardinal, was to ultimately gain Jerusalem by roping in the children of Ishmael as cohorts against the Jews. A closer look at both religions reveals surprising similarities – Mary worship, covering of women in the same manner, prayer beads, salvation by works, paganism, abuse of women, convert-or-die, and many more. This brief background by a cardinal helps us establish a background against which we can better interpret what we’re seeing.
When we look at the two legs and understand the history, I offer that we can see that Islam is eastern Catholicism, or, that Catholicism is western Islam.They are not divisible! The Pope Francis has even declared the Koran to be the same as scripture and may be read during mass and that Allah is the God of the Christian Bible.
Please notice, also, that the iron continues down to the feet, which is mixed with clay. (The clay are the demonic entities that will breed with man, as in Genesis 6.) East/west Isamocatholicism will continue until the stature is destroyed by the Rock (“eben”: ab (Father) + ben (Son) = Rock). The dominance of Rome/Islam continues until the second coming!
Back to Daniel 2, “the people who destroyed the sanctuary” were the Romans-who-are-the-same-as-Islamists. Who is the pseudo-messiah and who is the false prophet of Revelation? I offer that one will be from the right leg and one from the left leg of iron from Daniel’s vision, and it matters not which is which. At the present time, to see Islam and Catholicism acting in concert against Israel/Jerusalem should be no surprise.
  1. Sign the covenant with “the many.” We have one more element to discuss, and that is the signing of the covenant per Daniel 9:27. The Hebrew word here is “rab,” from which, I offer, we derive our English word “rabble.” This covenant is signed with many people, “the many.”
Do we have any meeting on our near horizon where the leaders of many nations will be gathering with a representative of the legs of iron, i.e., Islamocatholicism?   The pope will meet with the full United Nations on September 25, 2015, after meeting with the leader of the current American administration. Will a covenant be signed at that time?
7. Will some Jews, Muslims, and Christians receive the pseudo-messiah? Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Cahaim Kanievsky has made a call of all Jews to return to Israel to receive the messiah , whose appearance is “imminent.” He stated to a querying Jew, “Gather your family and come to Israel. Otherwise, there won’t be enough room for you on the airplanes,” hinting that the 9th of Av(July 25) could see this event.
ultra orthodox rabbi
Ultra Orthodox Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky calls for imminent Aliyah.
The Bible Codes also seem to hint that the messiah will return in 2016, which on the Jewish calendar, commences September 14, 2015.
Rabbi Chaim is not alone in his call for urgency, for the Muslims have issued a similar call to herald the coming Mahdi. The Mahdi, they say, will return 2015-16.
Are some Jews, Muslims, and Christians preparing to accept the wrong messiah?
Summary. We have discussed the four elements of Daniel 9:27. These are the elements we need – 1. an Islamocatholic leader (probably), 2. will sign a covenant, 3. with many nations, 4. for a term of 7 years. If that happens this September, may all who love Yehovah take note.
We have also discussed recent occurrences in Israel – the building of checkpoints that appear to isolate Jerusalem from Israel; the building of roads that appear to link all of the territories the Arabs expect to obtain when Israel is divided; the exertion of papal control over sensitive sites in Jerusalem, especially David’s Tomb; the Islamocatholic effort to push Jews out of the Temple Mount and Jerusalem in general.
We are left to wonder, is the Vatican establishing a seat for the final beast? Is the Vatican the “woman” who rides the New World Order/Islamic Beast?  What role, if any, does the state of Israel play in all of this? Is it the right to worship on the Temple Mount during Feasts? On Sabbaths? Is it the promise of peace?
We can be certain that the signs we are seeing is evidence that we are in the last days. Once/if the covenant is signed, I offer that the horses will ride and the globe will go where we’ve never been.
I urge each one to fast, repent, pray, and read scripture. I offer that we are, even now, today, being scrutinized for fitness to serve in the vineyard during the upcoming great harvest.
Whatever happens, let us that our own feeble humanity isn’t the issue, for we are told, “’Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD.” Understanding our anxiety over the days in which we live, Yeshua said, “And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Credit to Hebrew Nation Online

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