Friday, July 3, 2015

It All Comes Down To Finding The Right Blood Lines And Then Retrieving/Reactivating The Hidden Ancient Cellular Codes To Awaken Them

There is another way to clone such an organism, though – reconstruction of functional DNA – this is called molecular cloning. 

Using this method the source DNA is then inserted in a living host for replication of the recombinant DNA. Supposedly, by March 2015, woolly mammoth genes had been copied into the genome of an Asian elephant – although it’s too early to say whether this will pave the way to a real living mammoth. The mammoth is actually, quite young, compared to the Hollywood favorite of the extinct species – dinosaurs. 

With current technology, it’s simply impossible to replicate dinosaur DNA directly as it degrades even in perfect conditions. Jack Horner, American paleontologist, has a suggestion: The most studied and most available bird for both laboratory and culinary experiments is the chicken. Why couldn’t we take a chicken embryo and biochemically nudge it this way and that, until what hatched was not a chicken but a small dinosaur, with teeth, forearms with claws, and a tail? No reason at all. Essentially, Horner proposed to recreate a small dinosaur not by seeking out DNA samples of dinosaurs, but by reactivating dormant DNA in dinosaurs’ descendants – birds. Apparently, the project is underway… 

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