Friday, June 26, 2015

US Is At ‘The Highest Threat Level We Have Ever Faced In This Country’

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee warns that America is dealing with “the highest threat level we have ever faced in this country.” Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday that the threat is coming from the radicalization of young people and foreign fighters heading to Iraq and Syria to join terror groups. “They’re very good at communicating through separate avenues where it’s very difficult to track,” Nunes said. “That’s why when you get a young person who is willing to get into these chat rooms, go on the Internet and get radicalized, it’s something we are not only unprepared [for], we are also not used to it in this country.” Several Americans across the U.S. have been arrested and charged recently with being ISIS sympathizers and trying to join the terror group. Nunes stated “we are having a tough time tracking terrorist cells within the United States.”

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