Monday, June 15, 2015

Russian jet flies close to Nato ships in the Baltic Sea in a show of military force

It has been reported that a Russian military aircraft flew within 150 metres of a group of Nato warships in the Baltic Sea last week.

The British, French and German ships' close call with the plane was reportedly caught on video, although the footage has not yet been released.

Although no one was injured and no weapons were fired, representatives from Nato reportedly saw the incident as an attempt at intimidation, amidst growing tensions between Russia and the west, politically and militarily.

CNN quoted a US State Department official as saying: "We are not calling this safe and professional. We are calling it routine, but we are on the edge of being very uncomfortable."

This kind of low-level intimidation and show of military presence is not uncommon between Russian and Nato militaries.

Credit to The Independent

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