Friday, June 12, 2015

Former US Intelligence Director Tells Congress Iran Will Soon Have WMD

Image result for iran nuclear bomb

Former US Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn said that Iran intends to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) with enough range to hit US soil as part of Tehran’s nuclear weapons program.

Iran intends to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) with enough range to hit US soil as part of Tehran’s nuclear weapons program, former US Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn said in congressional testimony on Wednesday.

“Iran has every intention to build an ICBM and nuclear weapons program,” Flynn told the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs. “Iran’s next generation of missiles will include ICBM’s capable of attacking the American homeland.”

In April, Iran and the P5+1 group of international mediators, comprising the United States, China, France, Russia and the United Kingdom plus Germany, agreed to a political framework on the Iranian nuclear program and pledged to finalize a comprehensive agreement by June 30.

Flynn also argued that the Iran nuclear agreement has several deficiencies, including the fact that it will be nearly impossible for the international community to monitor Iran’s nuclear development activities.

The nuclear agreement would allow Iran to achieve strategic dominance in the Middle East and has caused allies in the region to lose faith and trust in the United States, Flynn added.

As part of the agreement, Tehran agreed to cut back uranium enrichment activities and decrease its number of centrifuges in exchange for sanctions relief.

The process for lifting sanctions and the scope of inspections have been sticking points during the talks. Iran is looking for immediate sanctions relief and is opposed to allowing inspectors into military sites, which Tehran says are not related to its nuclear program.

Credit to Sputnik

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