Tuesday, June 23, 2015

12 Signs That The United States And China Are Moving Toward War

Image result for 12 Signs That The United States And China Are Moving Toward War

If the United States and China are supposed to be such “great friends”, why are both sides acting as if war is in our future?

Thanks to events in the South China Sea and the blatant theft of the personal information of millions of U.S. government workers, tensions between the United States and China are the highest that they have been in decades.

Most Americans typically assume that a real, actual shooting war between the U.S. and China could never possibly happen, but as you will see below the Chinese are actually spending a lot of time and money preparing for precisely such a conflict.

In fact, the Chinese are working feverishly to develop new offensive weapons systems that would only be used in such a war. Of course it is extremely unlikely that a military conflict between our two nations will happen in our immediate future, but without a doubt we are moving in that direction.

Initially, this will likely affect our trade relationship with the Chinese, but ultimately it could be much more than that. The following are 10 signs that the United States and China are moving toward war…

#1 China’s moves in the South China Sea have greatly angered Obama administration officials. Some of the islands that China has grabbed are also claimed by Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei and the Philippines.

#2 In China, there is talk that a war may be necessary to defend China’s interests in the South China Sea. In fact, a newspaper that is a mouthpiece for the Communist Party actually stated that war with the United States “is inevitable” if the U.S. continues to insist that the Chinese must halt activities on those islands…

#3 The theft of the information of up to 14 million federal workers is being described as “an act of war“. At this point, the Obama administration appears convinced that this horrible act was committed by the Chinese government…

#4 China recently conducted a series of massive military exercises that simulated an attack against Taiwan. Since the U.S. is committed to protecting Taiwan, a real conflict of this nature would almost certainly involve the United States. The following comes from an article that was posted on janes.com…

#5 According to Paul Joseph Watson, thousands of Chinese merchant ships are being retrofitted for military purposes. The only possible conflict in which the Chinese military would need “thousands of merchant ships” would be a war with the United States…

#6 The Chinese have developed a “carrier killer” missile which was specifically designed to destroy U.S. aircraft carriers. There are some that have suggested that these new missiles may have made U.S. aircraft carriers obsolete…
Image result for china “carrier killer”

#7 The Chinese now have the capability of equipping their nuclear missiles with MIRV warheads. According to Bill Gertz, this has significantly equalized the balance of power between the U.S. and China…

#8 Of much greater concern than the MIRV warheads are the new hypersonic glide vehicles that China has developed. These ultra-high-speed missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads and represent a huge threat to the United States…

#9 The Chinese Navy is building a series of extremely quiet ballistic missile submarines.

#10 The Chinese have developed submarine-based nuclear missiles that could potentially reach all 50 states from the waters of Hawaii…
Image result for china submarine-based nuclear missiles

#11 At a time when the U.S. military is actually shrinking, Chinese military spending is increasing each year by double digits…

#12 The Chinese military is not the only one preparing for a war between our two nations. It turns out that the U.S. military has been conducting military exercises that are specifically geared toward simulating a conflict with China. The following comes from the BBC…

Yes, the Chinese have become exceedingly wealthy selling us goods. In the process, we have lost thousands of businesses, millions of jobs and we now owe the Chinese more than a trillion dollars. The Chinese never intended to have a balanced and fair trading relationship with us, because it has always been their plan to emerge as the sole, dominant superpower on the entire planet.

Once our debt-fueled economy collapses, the Chinese won’t have too much use for us anymore. Instead, we will just be a barrier in the way of their goal of total global domination.

If you don’t think that the Chinese view us in this manner, just read some of the white papers produced by the Chinese government and the Chinese military. They do not consider us to be a “friend” at all. Rather, they consider us to be an enemy that must ultimately be vanquished.

Credit to etfdailynews.com


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