Wednesday, May 13, 2015

RAF jets intercept Russian spy plane in the latest sign of tension between Moscow and Nato

Image result for Typhoon jets

RAF Jets intercepted a Russian spy plane in the latest sign of tensions between Moscow and Nato.

The two Typhoon jets, operating as part of Nato's Baltic air policing mission, were launched to intercept the Ilyushin IL-20 Coot surveillance and reconnaissance plane.

The Ministry of Defence said the incident took place in international airspace over the Gulf of Finland close to Estonia at lunchtime today.

Nato has been protecting the Baltic skies since 2004, when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined the alliance.

The mission was stepped up last year "in response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine", Nato said.

Moscow's support for separatist forces in Ukraine has put the relationship between Vladimir Putin and the West under intense strain, with British jets scrambled to intercept Russian aircraft near the UK in recent months.

Last month RAF fighters and a Royal Navy warship were called into action as Russian bombers and vessels passed close to the UK.

Credit to The Mirror

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