Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spend your summer infiltrating the halls of Congress


Capitol Hill Internship Placements

CLDP/MPAC  Case the halls of Congress with Senators, Congressman, policy makers, and other future targets, as you gain an understanding of the policy making process from an insiders perspective, and interact with a network of thousands of potential Islamic jihadist interns from across the nation who are also passionate about social change, especially the sharia part.


You’ll feel right at home on Capitol Hill. The Congressional Muslim Staff Association (CMSA) has held weekly Friday Jummah prayers for more than a decade, and guest preachers are often invited to lead the service. The group held prayers informally for about eight years before gaining official status in 2006 under the sponsorship of Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., one of two Muslims currently serving in Congress. The second Muslim congressman, Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN), a strong sharia law proponent, joined as co-sponsor after he was elected in 2008. 

Best of all, in the nice weather, Muslim prayer sessions are held on the lawn of the Capitol:


Among those who FOX News determined have attended the prayer services at the Capitol during the Clinton, GW Bush and Obama administrations are:

 Anwar al-Awlaki, the notorious Al Qaeda cleric who conducted a prayer service on Capitol Hill shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and was spiritual advisor to Major Nidal Hasan who killed 13 soldiers at Fort Hood in 2009  (Now deceased thanks to a US drone)
— Randall “Ismail” Royer, a former communications associate for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who confessed in 2004 to receiving jihadist training in Pakistan. He is serving a 20-year prison term.
— Anwar Hajjaj, former president of Taibah International Aid Association, which was designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. and U.N. in 2004.
— Esam Omeish, the former president of the Muslim American Society, who was forced to resign from the Virginia Commission on Immigration in 2007 after calling for “the jihad way,” among other remarks.
— Salam Al-Marayati, president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, who was forced to step down from a national terrorism committee post in 1999 for pro-terrorist comments.
— Nihad Awad, CAIR executive director, who attended a Hamas meeting in Philadelphia that was wiretapped by the FBI and was photographed at a rally under the flag of Hezbollah
— Johari Abdul Malik, Dar al-Hijrah imam, who made statements in support of convicted and suspected terrorists who attended his mosque.
— Tariq Ramadan, a Muslim scholar banned from the U.S. for six years beginning in 2004 for his alleged ties and donations to terror groups. Under order of Barack Hussein Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lifted Ramadan’s ban.  
—  Abdulaziz Othman Al-Twaijri, the head of a division of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation, considered a foreign agent by the U.S.

Leave the hard part to us, we are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood members who are now well-entrenched in the Obama Regime. Through our networks, MPAC places CLDP fellows into an internship position with a member of Congress (maybe even a Jew!) on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. This experience allows our fellows to understand the legislative process from the inside and learn how they can plan their very own lone-wolf terrorist attack on the Capitol.

Once you have interned on the Hill, think of all the State Department job openings for which you will get priority consideration.

Credit to Bare Naked Islam

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