Thursday, March 12, 2015

Martial Law Drills Take Place Across Country And US Senators Warn 2nd Amendment At Risk

By Stefan Stanford

With the entire world now preparing for World War 3 and everyone but the majority of the American people well aware of what we're watching unfold, CNN is now calling for a 'North American Union' and martial law drills are being held in South Carolina and Arkansasin preparation of the fall of our financial system that could leave rioting on the streets of America and over 10 million Americans dead of starvation while 52 US Senators warn the American people that the 2nd Amendment is now at risk.

With the globalists becoming extremely desperate as much of the world turns against them and their dying financial system, they're now need in a big event to bring in their long-held plans of global government and a 'new world order' as shared in the 1st video below from MaKaElectric while the government begins their takeover of the internet and their attempts to eliminate the 1st Amendment as shared in the 2nd video below from TheAlexJonesChannel.

While not long ago, CNN branded anyone even mentioning the words 'North American Union' a 'conspiracy theorist,' they're now pushing a story that tells us the future of the US 'lies in North America' and not in the US Constitution or the American people, as the globalists prepare to turn the entire continent of North America into a gigantic prison as this story from From The Trenches World Report tells us the US government is now telling the citizens of the US that they cannot leave the country without their permission.

With the 2nd Amendment now the only thing standing in the way of a full-fledged police-state dictaroship with martial law, FEMA camps and nationwide round-ups of Christians, US Veterans and Constitution supporting Americans, 52 US Senators and 238 House members have joined together to oppose Barack Obama's ammo grab while a letter from Senator Charles Grassley spells things out succinctly:

"Second Amendment rights require not only access to firearms but to bullets. If law-abiding gun owners cannot obtain rifle ammunition, or face substantial difficulty in finding ammunition available and at reasonable prices because government entities are banning such ammunition, then the Second Amendment is at risk."

Photographs of the recent martial law drills in Arkansas are below videos. 




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