Monday, March 23, 2015


Image result for london tube logo

The managing director of a company that sells respiratory protection system technology says the Islamic State will likely conduct a chlorine gas attack at British sporting events or in the Tube, London’s underground public rapid transit system.

“I am convinced that IS fighters are all being given training in chemical weapons and the British ones, who are likely to be more educated, will all be targeted in the hope they may return home,” said Colonel de Bretton-Gordon.

“This could happen on a train or tube or even at a big football match. Acquiring weapons and ammunition is very difficult in the UK but you can get up to 90 tonnes of chlorine without any license,” he said.

Chlorine gas was used during the First World War. Chlorine is relatively easy to obtain and use.

Earlier this month, the Security Council of the Kurdish region in Iraq accused ISIS of using chlorine gas as a chemical weapon against its peshmerga forces in January.

It claimed laboratory analysis showed “the samples contained levels of chlorine that suggested the substance was used in weaponized form,” although the Kurds refused to identify the lab.

ISIS had reportedly launched chlorine gas attacks inIraq’s Anbar province and in the town of Duluiyahlast year, according to unconfirmed reports.

Iraqi News reported in September that several members of the Iraqi Parliament accused the terror group of killing 400 troops with chlorine gas in Saqlawiyah, north of Fallujah.

U.S. officials and the corporate media linked the use of chlorine gas to the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

In October, Secretary of State John Kerry said although Syria had dismantled its chemical weapons program, the U.S. believes al-Assad has staged attacks with chlorine.

On March 17, it was reported al-Assad carried out a chlorine-gas attack in the northern town of Sarmin, killing six people and injuring dozens.

Like the alleged attacks by ISIS in Iraq, the Syrian attack was unverified.
“Collecting the samples needed to verify the details of chemical-weapons attack is extremely difficult in a warzone,” Noah Gordon wrote for The Atlantic.

The “Syrian regime has already denied responsibility for Monday’s reported chlorine attack, keeping with its pattern of blaming opposition forces.”

In September, a video surfaced allegedly showing mercenary rebels groups fighting against the Syrian government using chemical weapons soon after a chemical attack on August 21 attack in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta.

Experts later cast doubts on chemical attacks on towns of Zamalka and Ein Tarma. Swedish chemical weapons expert Ake Sellstrom, who led a UN inspection in Syria, told Swedish broadcaster SVT that the high number of those killed and wounded sounded “suspicious.”

Credit t nfowars

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