Tuesday, February 24, 2015


February 22, 2015 - NEW YORK, UNITED STATES - These incredible pictures show New York's iconic Hudson river frozen over as a cold snap continues to grip the U.S. east coast.

In some places the 120-mile long river is coated in ice 1.5ft thick, forcing the authorities to deploy icebreakers.

But while these pictures may be beautiful, behind these images is a stark reality.

Hudson river frozen over. © Slash News

The Hudson transports 70 per cent of the home heating oil in the north-east of the country - a concern when large swathes of that area are dealing with sub zero temperatures.

In New York City, 2C was recorded in Central Park today, but wind gusts made it feel like -15.

Credit to http://thecelestialconvergence.blogspot.com

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