Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Real Motive Behind the Charlie Hebdo False Flag Attack

paris false flag
The world is being taken to war one propaganda lie at a time. Most average people have no idea that they are being manipulated and soon the majority of people on this planet will be convinced that it is perfectly acceptable to kill strangers that they have never met as a result of this false flag based propaganda.

The Path to War Is Complicated

There are multiple paths to World War III, and I predict that the reasons for going to war will soon be readily apparent to even the sheep among us. Presently, there are two distinct paths to World War III, namely, plunging oil prices and Muslim extremism. Both of these paths are going to be exacerbated by a false flag event(s) and we have just witnessed the first example of this public opinion manipulation (e.g. Paris assassinations and bombings).

Plunging Oil Prices

petrodollarAs I have reported over the past week, the United States and Russia are playing a game of “chicken”. On one hand, Russia is leading the charge to “ditch” the Petrodollar as the world’s reserve currency. On the other hand, the U.S. has driven the price of oil so low, that Russia and the rest of its BRICS allies are being forced to use their reserve oil, gold and cash to stay afloat during a time when low oil prices are devastating Russia and the BRICS. Certainly, war have been fought for lesser reasons.

False Flag Terrorism With An Agenda

Extremist Arab Gunmen killed a total of 12 people in an attack on the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, on January 7. A third gunman killed a policewoman and four people at a Paris kosher supermarket in the eastern Porte de Vincennes area of Paris on January 9.
The reason given for the attacks was the disparaging of the Islamic faith and its Prophet Muhummad as expressed by Charlie Hebdo. This excuse used as the provocation for the these attacks is remarkably similar to the excuse first used to explain the reason behind the murder of Ambassador Stevens because of a film made in which a spoof was directed at the Prophet of Muhammed. The ridiculousness of this excuse, related to Benghazi, was discredited. Yet, this did not deter the false flag planners of the Paris event as they attempted to use the same journalistic “disrespect to Muhammad” excuse for launching a false flag attack in Paris in a case of “the same song, second verse.
The Paris attacks combined with the atrocities being committed by ISIS has the West on edge with regard to Muslim extremism. Yes, there is clearly Muslim extremism, but the Paris events are clearly designed to promote and greatly increase the level of fear.

Public Surveys As Propaganda

The best way to shape public opinion is to create a public opinion poll is to create a poorly designed poll which will yield the results that the poll makers seek. The use of close ended questions, as was the case with a recent Rasmussen Poll produced results which told the American people that you have a lot to be fearful of when it comes to the Muslims.  In a case in point, a poorly designed Rasmussen survey indicated that 65% of American citizens believe that similar attacks to the Paris assaults could take place in the United States within the next year. Promoting generalized fear is one of the basic tenets of propaganda.

More Muslim Vilification Released In the Shadows of These Events

It is interesting that the main stream media which has enjoyed a love fest with the Islamic religion, while ignoring some of its extremist elements and subsequent acts, with regard to their previously one-sided reporting.
There has been a shift in reporting in which there has been a recent shift in the reporting of Muslim extremism. The shift is that the unmitigated threat of some of these groups is being exposed.
Steve Emerson, described as a terrorism analyst, reported to Fox News that parts of London have a Muslim police force who attack people if they don’t dress according to religious rules. He went on to tell the American network: that “In Britain, it’s not just no go zones, there are actually cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim, where non-Muslims simply don’t go in. And parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn’t dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire.” The media message being spread to the West, fear Islam. This is a precursor step into getting citizens in Western countries to accept a war in the Middle East against Islamic extremism because if we don’t “they will kill many of us and most certainly will take over our neighborhoods”.

The Jack Ruby- Lee Harvey Oswald Moment In Paris

 police chief suicide
In an old familiar pattern, anyone who possess information which could threaten the goal of a false flag action, must be eliminated with extreme prejudice.
In the JFK assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald could be allowed to provide public testimony because of what he knew about the operation. Oswald is assassinated and Rub, who must also be silenced, mysteriously dies in jail.
In the same vein, Police Commissioner Helric Fredou, the number two police officer in charge of the Regional Service of France’s Judicial Police, Limoges, “committed suicide on the night of Wednesday to Thursday at the police station.”
Isn’t the timing of this event a little too convenient? Fredou was an intimate part of the Charlie Hebdo investigation. Shortly before his suicide, Fredou dispatched his own team of police officials to further investigate the murders in Paris. He is reported to have waited for the return of his team for a debriefing.  Immediately following the police debriefing, he killed himself. Or, is it more likely that the police chief was suicided in order to keep the information quiet about what he had learned?
One isolated report in Le Parisien presents the act of suicide as being totally unrelated to the Charlie Hebdo investigation. Otherwise, there has been a total news blackout in France of this event.

Senator Feinstein Exacerbates the Fear

feinstein gun
This past Sunday, Dianne Feinstein said  that the surprise Parisian attacks are not only threatening Europe,  but  she warned that “terrorist cells” exist in the United States as well. How does Feinstein know this? Did ISIS leaders take Feinstein to lunch and present their grand plan to the Senator? 
This Feinstein charade is so easy to see through, it is difficult to believe that the false flag planners could even promote this nonsense with a straight face as Feinstein would have you believe that there is a terrorist hiding on every street corner that has a bomb with your name on it.
Certainly, there is a morsel of truth in every lie, but the facts here are being embellished in an effort to convince the American people to give up more of their civil liberties in the name of fighting terror. Ultimately, this tyranny will go by a different name, World War III, and it is clear that this war will be fought in the Middle east. Of course Biblical scholars would state the same.


This article brought together many different aspects of a propaganda machine designed to promote fear, increase hostilities and fan the flames of the coming war.
All the elements of false planning are here: (1) the creation of the patsy (2) a contrived event designed to promote fear resulting in an increased “need” for surveillance, security and militarization and (3) preparations for mobilization of the military.
No doubt, that these flames are merely the precursor to main event which cannot be that far away.
Credit to Common Sense

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