Thursday, January 15, 2015

ISIS’s Crucifixions and Beheadings Continue

ISIS has continued its barbarism, executing five men in Deir Ezzor, an eastern province of Syria, on Wednesday, Jan, 14.

Two men were shot for “dealing with the Nusayri [Alawite] regime,” and a third was beheaded. Then all three were crucified, and they will remain so for three days for “establishing a cell to fight IS,” according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

ISIS forces then murdered a university student who was accused of being an “informant for the Nusayri regime.” This student had already been detained on the charge of “smoking.”

A fifth man was shot to death after being accused of being an agent for the regime and for allegedly being in communication with the regime’s intelligence apparatus.

Credit to Jewishpress

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