Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Iranian dissident claims his country already has nukes

In the Pesach and Elana talk radio show in the United States, an Iranian caller claimed: “Iran has three atomic bombs. They are using all of this hackling back and forwards and keep saying that they don’t have it but they have it and it got to the point that North Korea did the first atomic test, so there will come a time within this year that they will have enough just to test in the Iranian desert one of their 15 kilo ton atom bombs that they have.”

According to Pesach Kirschner, the Iranian who made these allegations on his show is a former Iranian nuclear scientist that is presently hiding in the west and thus knows a lot about Iran’s nuclear program. So far, there has been no official confirmation for the report that Iran has three nuclear warheads. However, an article published in the Washington Times several years ago makes similar accusations, emphasizing that western intelligence sources have known about it for years.

“When Iran began its nuclear program in the mid-1980s, I was working as a spy for the CIA within the Revolutionary Guards,” Reza Kahlili wrote in the Washington Times. “The Guards’ Intelligence at that time had learned of Saddam Hussein’s attempt to buy a nuclear bomb for Iraq. Guard commanders concluded that they needed a nuclear bomb because if Saddam were to get his own, he would use it against Iran. At that time, the two countries were at war.”

“In the early 1990s, the CIA asked me to find an Iranian scientist who would testify that Iran had the bomb,” he stressed. “The CIA had learned that Iranian intelligence agents were visiting nuclear installations throughout the former Soviet Union, with particular interest in Kazakhstan.”
Iran already has three nukes
Iran already has three nukes Photo Credit: Reuters/Channel 2
Credit to Jerusalem On Line

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