Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hamas tells Hezbollah's Let's unite against Zionist enemy

Hezbollah TV reported that Hamas commander-in-hiding sent condolence letter to Shi'ite group following Sunday's attack on Golan Heights.

Mohammed Deif, the Gaza-based military commander of Hamas who is said to have survived multiple assassination attempts by Israel, sent a letter of condolence to Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah expressing sorrow for the deaths of those killed in the suspected Israeli airstrike on the Golan Heights on Sunday.

“All of the forces of resistance must band together and unite against the Zionist enemy and its accomplices,” Deif is reported to have written in the letter.

Israel has acknowledged trying to assassinate Deif during the recent military offensive in Gaza, though there are conflicting reports as to his condition. Hamas insists that Deif is alive.

Hezbollah TV reported that Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas deputy political bureau chief, also sent a letter of support. Al Manar reported that Haniyeh expressed “deepest condolences” to “the families of martyrs” while denouncing “the assassination of enemy leaders.”

Northern Israel was on high alert for potential fallout from an air strike that killed senior Hezbollah and Iranian officials on Sunday, as Iran warned Israel to expect “ruinous thunderbolts.”

In light of the security evaluation, the IDF shut a section of road along the Lebanese border between Avivim and Dovev to all but local farmers.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman held a special session of a trimmed down security cabinet Tuesday. The two-hour meeting reportedly was devoted to discussing the developments in the North. No statement was released afterward.

Credit to Jerusalem Post

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