Thursday, December 4, 2014

Grand Jury: NYPD Allowed to Murder Harmless Suspects With Impunity

Grand Jury allows NYPD officer, Daniel Pantaleo, to get away with choking a man for selling cigarettes !
Grand Jury allows NYPD officer, Daniel Pantaleo, to get away with choking a man for selling cigarettes !

In breaking news, an New York  grand jury was decided that NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo will not face criminal charges in the chokehold death of Staten Island resident Eric Garner.
Despite the fact that the coroner ruled that Garner’s death was a homicide, no charges will be filed.
The medical examiner ruled the man’s death a homicide.
Look at the video below and tell me that this is not cold blooded murder!

The New York Times has reported that Garner’s murder has now been ruled as justified.  I am outraged to the core of my being, but I want to be careful that my comments do not contribute to the development of the same situation that we are seeing in Ferguson over the Michael Brown shooting.  However, the mayor of New York needs to fire the Police Chief if the Chief does not fire this officer.  I have been deluged in the last 60 minutes with emails from black people saying “What about that Hodges”?  I agree with these people, this is a clear cut case of legalized murder and that Officer Panteleo needs to be held liable and accountable. I understand the claims of “racist police” made in this case. However, we really don’t know if this officer would have done the same if Garner were white or Hispanic. Murder is murder, regardless of the race!
Since the some of the citizens of New York think that state sanctioned murder is acceptable, we need to seek other means of redress other than the criminal process.  But please do not riot, do not harm others, let’s unite and bring justice to this situation. I propose that there be a concentrated effort to raise money for the family to sue the City of New York , the NYPD and the offending officer in civil court.
On 9/11 so many of the brave NYPD officers lost their lives trying to save others. I will never forget their bravery. The day that Panteleo and the Grand Jury decided that the police should be judge, jury and executioner in the arrest of man for selling cigarettes, is indeed a very dark day of shame for the NYPD and their actions dishonor the memories of the brave men and women who gave their lives in 9/11,
Many new police from this new generation of officers are poorly trained, over-confrontational with the public and have come to view the public as their enemy. This must change and this must change now.  The mayors of every American city must be held accountable for the actions of the thug police under their supervision.
Eric Garner did not deserve to die!
I don’t recognize the country that I now live in! I am so ashamed.



Credit to Common Sense

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