Monday, December 15, 2014

Christians Sing Christmas Carols, Hindus Attack Them And Brutally Beat Them

By Theodore Shoebat
Christians in India were singing Christmas carols when Hindus, seeing them with the utmost of hatred, attacked them and beat brutally beat them, especially the pastor. This is just one of the many incidents that have been taking place in India, in which Hindus are attacking, raping, and even killing Christians. We read inone report:
In one of the latest known incidents Saturday, December 13, evangelical Christians were attacked and beaten by Hindu militants for singing Christmas carols in India’s southern city of Hyderabad, seriously injuring a pastor and four others, rights activists told BosNewsLife.
The violence occurred while Pastor Bhim Nayak of Banjara Baptist Church and fifteen church members sang Christmas carols and visited Christian families in the city’s Singareny Colony. Local Christians said some thirty “Hindu radicals” attacked the Christians and a vehicle they had hired for the evening festivities.
The Hindu mob was seen surrounding the vehicle, with several shouting that believers were trying to “forcefully convert people to Christianity” by singing Christmas carols.
Angry Hindus soon smashed the vehicle’s windows and dragged the Christians out into the street where they were beaten severely, witnesses said.
Credit to Shoebat

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